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A Strong Leading Group Leading the New Era, New Journey, and New Glory - Documentary of the Party's New Central Leading Body

10/24/2022, 12:42:59 PM

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 24th, title: A strong leadership group that leads the new era, new journey and new glory - the record of the party's new central leadership   Xinhua News Agency reporter   After going through a glorious history of a hundred years and entering a new era, the great Chinese Communist Party has ushered in a landmark moment of great historical significance——

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 24th, title: A strong leadership group that leads the new era, new journey and new glory - the record of the party's new central leadership

  Xinhua News Agency reporter

  After going through a glorious history of a hundred years and entering a new era, the great Chinese Communist Party has ushered in a landmark moment of great historical significance——

  On the morning of October 23, 2022, the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

  In the warm applause, the first plenary meeting of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China elected a 24-member Political Bureau of the 20th Central Committee, and elected Xi Jinping, Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang, Li Xi Member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, elected Xi Jinping as General Secretary of the Central Committee; approved the members of the Secretariat of the Central Committee; decided the composition of the Central Military Commission; approved the leading body elected at the first plenary session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

  Fenji is at the right time, sail and set off again.

  The new leadership of the Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core unites and leads the whole Party, the whole army, the people of all ethnic groups in the country, self-confidence, self-improvement, uprightness and innovation, forge ahead with determination and perseverance, towards building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and promoting the greatness of the Chinese nation in an all-round way. The grand goal of revival marches forward.

Steering the helm, creating a great cause of revival

  ——General Secretary Xi Jinping took the helm to lead the new era and new journey, and won the heartfelt respect and support of the whole party, the army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country.

  On the dial of time, there are always some dazzling moments, marking the progress of history.

  In the golden autumn of 2021, in the warm atmosphere of the Chinese Communist Party's grand celebration of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, our party has formulated the third historical resolution in the party's history, clearly proposing "two establishments" -

  The Party has established Comrade Xi Jinping as the core of the Party Central Committee and the core of the whole Party, and establishes the guiding position of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It is of decisive significance for advancing the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  This is a major historical conclusion drawn from a profound summary of the party's century-long struggle, especially the great changes in the new era.

  The five years since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China have been extremely unusual and extraordinary.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China coordinates the overall strategy of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the great changes in the world unseen in a century, makes major strategic plans for the development of the party and the country, and unites and leads the entire party, the army and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to effectively respond to the severe and complex international situation and the ensuing It has pushed forward socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era with a spirit of perseverance and greatness, overcame many long-term unsolved problems, accomplished many long-term important events, and promoted the cause of the party and the country to achieve universal success. A notable achievement.

  Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era.

History, destined to remember this great and extraordinary 10 years——

  Over the past 10 years, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has held high the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, fully implemented Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, united and led the entire Party, the army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to take command of the great struggle, the great project, and the great cause, great dreams, take a series of strategic measures, promote a series of transformative practices, achieve a series of breakthrough progress, achieve a series of landmark achievements, and create the great achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. It is a milestone in the history of China, the history of reform and opening up, the history of socialist development, and the history of the development of the Chinese nation.

  Over the past 10 years, we have adhered to and strengthened the overall leadership of the party, coordinated the promotion of the "five-in-one" overall layout, coordinated the promotion of the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, adhered to and improved the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and advanced the modernization of the country's governance system and governance capabilities. We will win the tough battle against poverty, complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way as scheduled, achieve the first centenary goal, and start a new journey to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way.

  In the past 10 years, we have insisted on leading the great social revolution with the party's great self-revolution, thoroughly promoted the comprehensive and strict governance of the party, adhered to the principle of upholding integrity and discipline, and promoted the integration of those who dare not, cannot, and do not want to be corrupt. The ties between the party and the people have become closer The continuous formation and development of a good political ecology within the party provides a strong political guarantee for the development of various undertakings of the party and the country.

  In the past 10 years, the great achievements created by the Party and the people have demonstrated the strong vitality of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The great rejuvenation of the nation has entered an irreversible historical process.

The face of the party, the face of the country, the face of the people, the face of the army, and the face of the Chinese nation have undergone unprecedented changes.

  The tide of the times and the leaders always create each other, and the historical process and the ideological process are always intertwined.

  In the face of complex situations and risks and challenges that are rare in the world and in history, General Secretary Xi Jinping, with the grand spirit, foresight, and grand strategy of a Marxist statesman, thinker, and strategist, plans the overall situation at home and abroad, and leads the reform, development and stability. , domestic affairs, foreign affairs, national defense, governing the party, the country and the army, timely put forward major strategies, made major decisions, deployed major tasks, and led the entire party, the entire army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to strengthen confidence and face difficulties, fully demonstrating the political leadership of a big party and a big country. Wisdom, strategic determination, mission responsibility, feelings for the people, and leadership art have won the heartfelt support and love of the entire party, the army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country.

  In promoting the great practice of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, the Chinese Communists, mainly represented by Comrade Xi Jinping, insist on combining the basic principles of Marxism with China's concrete reality and the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Answered a series of major issues of the times related to the overall development of the party and the country, scientifically answered the questions of China, the world, the people, and the times, and created Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is contemporary Chinese Marxism, 21st century Marxism, the essence of the era of Chinese culture and Chinese spirit, and has opened up a new realm of modernization of Marxism in China.

  The 10-year great changes in the new era have revealed profound historical conclusions: the most fundamental reason for the historic achievements and historic changes in the cause of the party and the country is that General Secretary Xi Jinping is the core of the Party Central Committee and the core of the whole party at the helm. , because of the scientific guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era.

  The great transformation of the new era in the past 10 years is based on the ardent expectations of the era: standing at a new historical starting point, facing the more complex international environment and the arduous domestic reform, development and stability tasks, it is necessary to ensure the continuous development of the party's cause and the long-term stability of the country. We must firmly support the "two establishments" and resolutely implement the "two maintenances", so as to maintain the long-term stability of the core of the Party Central Committee and the core of the entire Party.

The core of the party, the leaders of the people, and the army commander who have been tested by history, practice, and struggles continue to steer and lead the way. Great luck!

  Whoever can lead the people to achieve the goal of building a strong country, who can lead the people to advance the great cause of rejuvenation, history will choose whoever, and whoever the people will support——

  Comrade Xi Jinping was elected unanimously in the election of the Party's 20th National Congress deputies.

In the election of members of the 20th Central Committee, Comrade Xi Jinping was elected unanimously.

When the new leadership of the Central Committee was elected at the First Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee, Comrade Xi Jinping was once again elected General Secretary of the Central Committee by unanimous votes.

  One vote after another, and repeated applause, condensed the common will of all representatives and committee members, reflected the heartfelt love of more than 96 million party members for General Secretary Xi Jinping, and reflected the hundreds of millions of people who followed the great rejuvenation leader to create a better future. Be confident.

  The sea is the mainstay, and the mountains are majestic to see the main peak.

Under the strong leadership of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, the Communist Party of China, which shoulders the great historical mission, will unite and lead the entire Party, the army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to march forward bravely, create new miracles and win new victories.


  ——Focusing on the future of the party's cause and the long-term stability of the country, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core plans to plan the nomination of candidates for the new central leadership

  The long river of history is rushing forward, the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has ushered in a critical journey, and the internal and external environment it faces is also undergoing profound changes——

  Looking at the world, the world has undergone great changes unseen in a century, and the evolution of the world has become more pronounced.

  Looking around the country, my country's development is facing new strategic opportunities, new strategic tasks, new strategic stages, new strategic requirements, and new strategic environments.

  Great achievements in the future, the key lies in people.

  At the critical moment of embarking on the new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and marching towards the second centenary goal, the whole party, the whole army and the people of all ethnic groups in the country have a common aspiration, that is, to elect a united and strong person who will shoulder heavy responsibilities. The central leadership, under the leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping, will continue to consolidate achievements, overcome difficulties, and forge ahead, effectively cope with various risks and tests, overcome various difficulties and challenges on the road ahead, and successfully realize all aspects of the new era and new journey. target task.

  How to generate a new central leadership organization to lead China's giant ship to chop the waves and travel steadily and far?

This is highly concerned at home and abroad.

  According to the Party Constitution, the 20th Party Congress elects the new Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the 1st Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee elects the new Political Bureau of the Central Committee, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee and the General Secretary of the Central Committee.

  "Our party is a large party with more than 96 million members. Governing in a large country with a population of more than one billion, we have a heavy burden and great responsibility on our shoulders. We must form a politically firm, united, strong, hard-working and promising The central leadership." General Secretary Xi Jinping's words were far-sighted and meaningful.

  The broad vision draws the overall picture, and the profound thinking guides the direction.

  Under the overall planning of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, the preparation and nomination of candidates for the new central leadership has been carried out in an orderly manner.

  From the beginning of 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping has carefully listened to the opinions of comrades on the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee on how to prepare candidates for the new leadership of the Central Committee.

  Everyone unanimously agreed that on the basis of summarizing the relevant practices of the 17th and 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we should adhere to the good experience and good practices in the preparation of candidates for the 19th Central Leading Organization and the inspection of candidates for the "two committees", and do not engage in "hype push". "Sea elections", by means of interviews and investigations, will select candidates for the new Politburo, Standing Committee and Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, candidates for the leadership of the State Council, candidates for the Central Military Commission, and candidates for new promotions within the National People's Congress and the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, etc. Listen to recommendations and suggestions face-to-face within a certain range.

  On March 24, 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping presided over a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee to conduct a special study, and discussed and approved the "Arrangement for Discussion and Research on the Work of Candidates for the New Central Leading Agency".

The interview, investigation and candidate preparation work were carried out under the direct leadership of General Secretary Xi Jinping.

Mainly follow the following principles:

  Adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, focus on coordinating the promotion of the "five-in-one" overall layout and the coordinated promotion of the "four comprehensive" strategic layout, based on the new development stage, implement the new development concept, build a new development pattern, Promote high-quality development, build a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation; focus on fully implementing the general requirements for party building in the new era and the party's organizational line in the new era, adhere to and strengthen the party's overall leadership, and improve the party's overall leadership. The long-term governance capacity of the party is maintained, the advanced nature and purity of the party are maintained, and the new great project of party building in the new era will be advanced in depth with the spirit of self-revolution, and the party's ruling position will be continuously consolidated; and long-term peace and stability in the country.

  Adhere to the core position of the party's leadership, uphold the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the party central committee, improve the mechanism for the generation of party and state leaders, and actively and steadily select the new party and state leadership team.

  Adhere to the standards of the Marxist statesmen group, adhere to the five lakes and four corners of the world, appoint people on their merits, adhere to both ability and political integrity, put morality first, adhere to career, fairness and integrity, adhere to the standards of good cadres in the new era and the requirements of loyalty, cleanliness and responsibility, and strictly control political integrity. Precise scientific selection and employment.

  Adhere to the principle that the party manages cadres, implement democratic centralism, give full play to inner-party democracy, and improve the quality and effectiveness of democracy.

Conversation research focuses on brainstorming and unifying understanding. There is no limit to the number of recommenders. The number of votes recommended by candidates is used as a reference.

Consider the overall situation of the work of the party and the state, and study and propose candidates for the new central leadership based on the conditions of cadres, consistent performance and the needs of the team structure.

  The new central leadership team must have a reasonable size and structure.

  According to these principles, the central government proposes the conditions that the recommended candidates should have:

  Political firmness, loyalty to the party, strong political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution, profound understanding of the decisive significance of the "two establishments", enhancing the "four consciousnesses", strengthening the "four self-confidences", and achieving the "two He is determined to maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, and is a qualified Marxist politician.

  Strong leadership ability, rich practical experience, strong revolutionary professionalism, reform and innovation and seeking truth from facts, adhere to principles, dare to take responsibility, have a strong fighting spirit, dare to fight, be good at fighting, have a correct view of political achievements, and have outstanding work performance.

  Strictly implement democratic centralism, be fair and upright, have a broad mind, be good at uniting comrades, keep in mind the original mission, consciously implement the party's mass line, carry forward the party's glorious tradition and fine style of work, and serve the people wholeheartedly.

  Strictly abide by the party's discipline and rules, abide by the eight central regulations and the code of integrity and self-discipline, have good moral cultivation, be upright and honest, and have a high prestige and good image both inside and outside the party.

  On this basis, according to the development needs of the party and the country and the actual situation of the construction of the central leadership, and with reference to previous practices, the central government has put forward clear requirements on the scope, age and structure of recommended candidates.

  In the interview and investigation, everyone agreed that the principles of the Party Central Committee on the preparation of candidates for the new central leadership are clear-cut and focused, the criteria for candidates are clear and clear, and the orientation is clear. , which fully reflects the foresight and foresight of the Party Central Committee.

Scientific Democracy, Building Broad Consensus

  ——The selection of candidates for the new leadership of the Central Committee fully reflects our party's fine tradition and style of fully promoting democracy and being good at concentrating the wisdom of the whole party, and demonstrates the significant advantages and valuable experience of the century-old party in selecting and appointing talents.

  In the early summer of 2022, Zhongnanhai in Beijing.

  Just after 7 o'clock, a leading cadre at the provincial and ministerial level came here early to prepare for a serious and solemn conversation.

Two days ago, he received a notice to go to Beijing, and only after he came to Zhongnanhai did he know the content of the interview and investigation.

  In the waiting room, he carefully read several materials on the table: "Relevant Arrangements for Conversation and Investigation", "The List of Current Party and State Leaders and Comrades", "The List of Provincial and Ministerial Party Members and Leading Cadres"...

  At 9 in the morning, the conversation officially began.

Leading comrades of the central government had face-to-face exchanges with comrades who participated in the talks, and listened carefully to the opinions and suggestions on the candidates for the new central leadership.

  This is a vivid scene in the investigation and investigation of the candidates for the central leadership.

  Beginning in April 2022, General Secretary Xi Jinping has arranged a special time to talk to the current Politburo members, members of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee, vice-presidents of the state, and members of the Central Military Commission, fully listened to their opinions, and talked to 30 people .

  According to the arrangement of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, from April to July 2022, the relevant leading comrades of the central government have listened to the leading comrades of current state institutions and other party members of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, the main responsible comrades of the party members of the central and state organs’ ministerial-level units, and the provincial and regional leaders. The opinions of a total of 283 people in the city's party and government positions, the commanders and political commissars of various military theaters, and other members of the 19th Central Committee.

The responsible comrades of the Central Military Commission listened to the opinions of 35 current leaders of the war zone and the main responsible comrades of the war zone-level departments of the Central Military Commission on the candidates of the Central Military Commission.

  Through interviews and investigations, listening to opinions, repeated deliberation, and decision-making at meetings, candidates for the central leadership are gradually brewed.

The whole process of selecting candidates fully reflects the continuous improvement of the party and state leaders' generation mechanism, and demonstrates the maturity, self-confidence and broad-mindedness of our party.

  This process is a process of insisting on strengthening the leadership of the party and fully promoting the organic unity of democracy within the party——

  The selection of candidates for the central leadership is a key and fundamental issue related to the overall development of the Party and the country.

  When selecting and employing people, the party organization must strengthen leadership and ensure good control.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out profoundly, "The party's leadership and democracy are unified, not antagonistic, and the two cannot be sidelined, and people cannot simply be chosen by votes." A complete system, selection and employment standards, and procedures have been tempered and perfected.”

  The comrades who participated in the conversation and survey said that the central leadership comrades have invested so much precious time and energy, and fully listened to opinions in such a wide range, which reflects the great importance attached by General Secretary Xi Jinping and the Party Central Committee to the selection of candidates for the new central leadership. With a high degree of trust in us, I am very moved and excited, and I must be serious and responsible, seek truth from facts and express my opinions and suggestions.

  "There is no time limit for the entire conversation process, nor is there a limit to the number of recommenders, you can talk about whatever you want, talk about as much as you think, and recommend whoever you think is excellent and competent, including any good suggestions for the construction of the new central leadership. Everyone can talk." One of the interviewees said with emotion, "This kind of conversation has a very relaxed atmosphere, and there is enough time to read materials in advance and think about preparation. We all open our hearts and share our opinions and ideas candidly."

  Some comrades read the materials repeatedly in the waiting room and drew up the outline of the conversation; some comrades not only recommended candidates, but also introduced the candidates' performance and cases in detail; Additional comments...

  Employing the right people is more valuable than obtaining the law.

Everyone fully affirmed this interview and survey, and agreed that it is very good to adopt the method of interview survey and face-to-face listening to opinions in the preparation of candidates for the new leadership of the central government. Comprehensive and more real democracy is a higher quality and more effective democracy, and a good approach to scientific democracy.

  This process is a process of adhering to standards and selecting talents——

  General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that the candidates for the central leadership should put political standards in the first place, strictly control politics, and keep the bottom line of integrity.

  "Members of the central leading body shoulder the heavy responsibility of the times and have high hopes of hundreds of millions of people. They must be measured according to the standards of Marxist statesmen." During the interview and survey, everyone agreed that the new members of the central leadership should be strong politically and have a strong attitude towards the party. Loyalty, strong political judgment, political comprehension, and political execution, he is a firm supporter of "two establishments" and a conscious practitioner of "two maintenance".

  "The leadership of the party and the state is not an 'iron chair', and those who meet the age may not necessarily continue to be nominated. We must adhere to the career first, according to work needs, candidate conditions, integrity and image reputation. , establish a clear employment orientation in the new era." In the interview survey, many interviewees expressed such opinions.

  Whether they have the courage to take responsibility, have the courage to fight, and have the ability and quality to lead the modernization construction is an important consideration for many comrades to recommend candidates.

Everyone said: "In the next five years, the tasks of reform, development and stability will be arduous and arduous, and the risks and challenges will be severe and complex. It is necessary to build a leadership group that can overcome difficulties, conquer cities, and overcome obstacles."

  The interview survey is not only a test and party spirit education for the participants, but also a vivid practice for senior leading cadres to participate in the political life of the party.

Many comrades said that the discipline and confidentiality requirements for this interview and investigation were very strict, and the entire interview and investigation process was clean and upright, demonstrating the remarkable effect of comprehensively and strictly governing the party in the new era.

  This process is a process of doing things in strict accordance with the system and procedures——

  Based on various opinions and suggestions, General Secretary Xi Jinping conducted serious communication and repeated deliberation with comrades on the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee on the composition principles and composition plan of the new central leadership.

After the preliminary plan was formed, General Secretary Xi Jinping once again listened to the opinions of members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, members of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, and members of the Secretariat of the CPC Central Committee.

On this basis, the composition plan of the new central leadership organization is put forward.

  The proposals for the candidates for the new leadership of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection will be proposed to the Party Central Committee by the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, the Central Organization Department and other relevant parties after deliberation and discussion.

The proposed plan for the composition of the new Central Military Commission shall be proposed to the Party Central Committee after collective discussion by the Central Military Commission.

  On September 28, 2022, the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee discussed and discussed the proposed list of candidates for the new leadership of the Central Committee.

On September 29, the Political Bureau of the Central Committee reviewed and approved the list of recommendations, and decided to submit it to the First Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee and the First Plenary Session of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection for election, approval and decision respectively.

 Work hard and write a new chapter

  ——The new leadership of the Central Committee has brought together outstanding ruling cadres in all aspects of the Party. They will lead the Party, the army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to take a new road to take the exam, in order to build a modern socialist country in an all-round way and realize the realization of the Chinese nation. Unremitting struggle for the Chinese dream of great rejuvenation

  Careers and dreams are inherited here, and struggle and hard work are relayed here——

  On October 22, the Party's 20th National Congress elected the new Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection.

  On October 23, the first plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Committee elected a new central leadership.

  This is a leading group that condenses the will of the whole party, reflects the expectations of the people, and is worthy of the full trust of the whole party, the army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country—

  The new members of the central leadership body conform to the standards of Marxist statesmen, take the lead in supporting the "two establishments", strengthen the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", and achieve the "two maintenances", and are able to adapt and continue to make overall plans. "Five-in-one" overall layout and coordinated promotion of the "Four Comprehensives" strategic layout requires strong leadership in modernization construction, daring to take responsibility and struggle, rich leadership experience and mass work skills, and are the party's ruling backbone in all aspects. He has high prestige among the cadres and the masses.

  This is a leading group with good quality and reasonable structure, which meets the needs of the long-term development of the party and the country.

  The Political Bureau of the 20th Central Committee is composed of 24 comrades who are familiar with various aspects and fields of work. They all have higher education and professional knowledge. The structure is reasonable and the members come from a wide range. Some work in local areas, and some work in central and state organs. Yes, there are also comrades in the army.

Among them, 11 comrades were continuously nominated by members of the Political Bureau of the 19th Central Committee, 2 comrades were nominated for transfer, and 11 comrades were newly promoted.

  This is a leading group that inherits the past and ushers in the future, and leads the Chinese nation to the great rejuvenation——

  The ratio of advance and retreat of the new central leadership body is relatively appropriate, maintaining the continuity of personnel and work, and a group of leading cadres with both political integrity and ability, young and energetic have entered the new central leadership body, which fully reflects the success of our party's cause and prosperity. .

  When the new central leadership was mulling candidates and soliciting opinions, some leading comrades from the party and the state put the interests of the party and the people first and were highly responsible for national development and national rejuvenation. Coming up, it shows the broad-mindedness and high-spiritedness of the Communists.

  In the past, thousands of brocades have been exhibited, and the Ming Dynasty has made a hundred feet.

  At 12:00 on October 23, 2022, the Golden Hall of the Great Hall of the People was brightly lit and the atmosphere was warm.

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, and Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, Cai Qi, Ding Xuexiang and Li Xi, members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee, entered the hall and met cordially with Chinese and foreign journalists covering the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

  Under the camera and flash, the central leadership comrades walked vigorously and calmly.

General Secretary Xi Jinping smiled and waved to everyone, and the audience burst into warm applause.

  Afterwards, General Secretary Xi Jinping walked to the podium, on behalf of the new leadership of the Central Committee, he sincerely thanked all the comrades of the party for their trust, and expressed that he must keep in mind the nature and purpose of the party, keep in mind his own mission and responsibilities, fulfill his duties, work diligently, and never fail the party and the People trust.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that on the new journey, we must always maintain a high-spirited and enterprising spirit, always insist on doing everything for the people and relying on the people, always promote the party's self-revolution, and always carry forward the common values ​​of all mankind.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that the new journey is an expedition full of glory and dreams.

The blueprint has been drawn and the horn has been sounded.

We must work hard, move forward courageously, and strive to create a brighter tomorrow.

  This is the self-confidence of the leader of the new era and the responsibility of the helm of the new journey. It is also the guidance of the century-old party's continued success and the hope of the great nation's rejuvenation.

  Changfeng is a century-old tide, and this peak is the mainstay of the world.

  The new leadership of the Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core will surely lead the entire Party, the army, and the people of all ethnic groups in the country to firmly embark on a new road to take the exam, and unite and strive for the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation in an all-round way. , let the Chinese nation stand in the forest of world nations with a more high-spirited attitude in the new era and new journey!

  The heavy responsibility is on the shoulders and the light is ahead. The party unites and leads the people to create a century of glory, and it will also unite and lead the people to write great achievements in the future!

(Reporters Zhao Cheng, Huo Xiaoguang, Zhang Xiaosong, Lin Hui, Hu Hao)

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