Teller Report

"Warnews. Information in war": the days of the Morrione Prize are back in Turin

10/24/2022, 4:36:25 PM

From 26 to 29 October, also online, 18 appointments with the participation of 75 speakers The days of the Roberto Morrione Prize for investigative journalism are back in Turin and online from Wednesday 26 to Saturday 29 October . 18 appointments with the participation of 75 speakers, expert people from the world of journalism, university, communication and civil society. The theme The Amici di Roberto Morrione association has chosen as this year's theme " WarNews. Information in war

The days of the Roberto Morrione Prize for investigative journalism are

back in Turin and online

from Wednesday 26 to Saturday 29 October .

18 appointments with the participation of 75 speakers, expert people from the world of journalism, university, communication and civil society.

The theme

The Amici di Roberto Morrione association has chosen as this year's theme "

WarNews. Information in war

." There will be

four days

of meetings, projections and debates to analyze the role of information in the current context, between wars, crises, known and forgotten conflicts. 

“We find ourselves today in the midst of an armed conflict in Europe that threatens nuclear disasters.

Talking about "Information in war" was an obligatory, almost obvious choice, but no less necessary for this.

We wanted to do this by calling all those involved to reflect, starting from the envoys, protagonists of the news from the battlefields, up to the students, the first generation, from the times of World War II, who find themselves dealing with the threat of a global conflict, which risks mortgaging their future ”explains

Giovanni Celsi

, president of the Amici di Roberto Morrione association.

The finalist inquiries

After months of work and silence, the finalists of the eleventh edition of the Morrione Prize will be presented as a national preview during the days.

It will also be possible, during the four days, to preview them and exclusively by registering on the Prize website.

The news

The organizers have decided to involve the young people of Turin more and to reserve the first presentation of the surveys to the high schools of the city.

Thanks to the collaboration with Libera Piemonte, therefore, the authors of this edition will meet the students and will compete with their works for a new recognition, entitled

"Free Youth Inquiry" Award

, assigned by young people to the investigation they deem best. .  

To make the days more inclusive, interpreting in

sign language is foreseen this year

of the afternoon and evening events on Friday and Saturday at the Circolo dei Lettore and the most awaited evening, the award ceremony, on Saturday 29 October in OGR.

The interpreting service will be provided by the National Deaf Organization and the Segni di Integrazione Piemonte cooperative society. 

"Baffo Rosso" and "Witness of the Award"

The photographer

Francesco Zizola

will receive the Baffo Rosso 2022 Award, while the Witness of the Roberto Morrione 2022 Award is awarded to

Chiara Cazzaniga

, a journalist of Who has seen Rai3.

On Friday 28th and Saturday 29th October an exhibition of photographs and mini-documentaries by Francesco Zizola will be set up at the Readers' Club.

The program

Wednesday 26 October

It begins with the awards ceremony of the sixth edition of

the Vera Schiavazzi Prize


The winner of the competition talks with

Andrea Griva

, president of

SEI - School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation

, on the theme "Businesses, people and ideas: the story of a growing ecosystem".

Thursday 27 October

Three initiatives are planned in collaboration with

Libera Piemonte

: the first, at the Fabbrica delle “e” in Corso Trapani 91 / b, where the finalists and finalists of the Roberto Morrione Prize present their inquiries to the students of the High Schools of Turin.

The event is coordinated by

Francesco Cavalli

, general secretary of the Roberto Morrione Prize, and opens with greetings from

Maria José Fava

, representative of Libera Piemonte; 

at 18.00 at Comala, in Corso F. Ferrucci 65 / A, the meeting “What language (ggio) do you speak?

The new forms of journalism to tell about mafias and current affairs "with the university deans of Libera"

Hyso Telharaj


Tina Motoc

"of Turin,

Sacha Biazzo

, head of investigations and tutor Roberto Morrione Prize,

Silvia Boccardi

, journalist of Will Media,

Daria Corrias

, senior producer and commissioning editor for Tresoldi Rai Radio 3, moderates

Diego Gandolfo

, journalist, writer, juror and winner of the Roberto Morrione Prize; 

in the evening at 9.30 pm, again at Comala, the meeting “I buy a vocal.

The words to tell the present.

Mafia, wars, rights "with Alessandra Ballerini, civil lawyer expert in human rights and immigration, Francesca Fiore and Sara Malnerich -, bloggers and writers, Dina Lauricella, journalist and writer, Davide Mattiello, Fondazione Benvenuti in Italia, leads Danilo De Biasio, director of the Human Rights Festival in Milan.

Friday 28 October

The day opens with two live broadcasts of Radio Rai: at 8.30

Mara Filippi Morrione

, spokesperson for the Award, and the finalists take part in the Radio Anch'io broadcast of Rai Radio 1 conducted by Giorgio Zanchini; 

at 10.00 instead the whole city talks about it on Rai Radio 3 conducted by

Pietro Del Soldà


From 9.00 to 13.00 at the Circle of readers, in via Bogino n.

9, three meetings are held: the first, “Kabul, the return of the Taliban” with

Giuliano Battiston

, researcher, freelance, traveler, will talk with

Stefano Lamorgese

, journalist of Report Rai3 and vice president of the Amici di Roberto Morrione association;

the second debate follows, “Afghanistan-Sri Lanka: conflicts between repression and distraction”, with  

Emanuele Giordana

, journalist, scholar of Asian cultures;

the morning concludes the panel "How conflicts disappear from the political agenda" with

Barbara Schiavulli

, freelance journalist, director of Radio Bullets, and the coordination of

Gian Mario Gillio

, Reform journalist, spokesperson for the Circolo Articolo 21 Piemonte.

In the afternoon, from 16.00 to 17.00, the debate "Aver cura del vero" takes place with

Monica Andolfatto

, regional secretary of the Veneto Journalists Union,

Laura Nota

, full professor at the University of Padua,

Roberto Reale

, journalist and scholar of Media and Democracy.

Led by

Gian Mario Gillio

, journalist of the Reform, spokesman for the Circolo Articolo 21 Piemonte. 

At the end of the meeting

Rosy Battaglia

, journalist and documentary maker, and

Giuseppe Giulietti

, president of the Morrione Prize jury and president of the FNSI, deliver the Article 21 plaque to

Giuliana Busto

, president of the Casale Monferrato Asbestos Victims Family Association, and

Nicola Pondrano

, trade unionist, former president of the National Fund for Asbestos Victims.

From 17.00 to 19.00 the last meeting of the afternoon entitled "The wars of Assange" is held with speeches by

Carlo Bartoli

, president of the Order of Journalists,

Stefania Maurizi

, journalist and writer,

Gian Giacomo Migone

, professor, former president of Senate Foreign Commission,

Grazia Tuzi

, coordinator of the My Voice Committee for Julian Assange, and with the special participation of

John Shipton

, father of Julian Assange. 

Coordinated by

Vincenzo Vita

, journalist and Guarantor of the Articolo21 association.

"Information and war in the story of the envoys" is the title of the last meeting on Friday 28 October, at 8.45 pm at the Circolo dei conti, with the testimonies of the correspondents in Ukraine: Azzurra Meringolo Scarfoglio, journalist of Rai Radio 1 and of Gr, Ilario Piagnerelli, journalist of Rai News 24, Nico Piro, journalist of Tg3 Rai, Cecilia Sala, journalist of Il Foglio and Chora Media, and Nello Scavo, journalist of Avvenire.

Led by Giulia Bosetti, journalist of Presadiretta Rai3 and member of the board of the Morrione Prize.

Saturday 29 October

The work will resume at 9.00 with the meeting "The legal boundaries of and in armed conflicts: mines, bombs, remains, trials" with

Riccardo Labianco

, associate researcher SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies) of the University of London.

This is followed by the panel "From Guantanamo to Yemen: the wars continue" with

Laura Silvia Battaglia

, reporter, director of the publications of the Catholic University School of Journalism in Milan.

Led by

Stefano Lamorgese

, journalist of Report Rai3 and deputy director of the ass.

Friends of Roberto Morrione.

The meetings end at 13.00.

At 3.00 pm the meeting "RAI and the new information challenges" opens in the afternoon with an interview by

Marino Sinibaldi

, president of the Center for books and reading, with the CEO of Rai

Carlo Fuortes


Giuseppe Giulietti

, president of the jury of the Roberto Morrione Prize and president of the FNSI,

takes part in the meeting .

From 16.00 to 17.00

Chiara Cazzaniga

, journalist of Who has seen it?

Rai3, and the photographer

Francesco Zizola

are the protagonists of the panel "Witnesses of our time".

Following the finalists and finalists of the eleventh edition of the Roberto Morrione Prize will present their five surveys (three videos, one radio - podcast and one multimedia).

I am in the final 13 under30 (

Francesco Boscarol


Margherita Capacci


Cecilia Fasciani


Andrea Giagnorio


Marika Ikonomu


Alessandro Leone


Ludovica Iacovacci


Simone Manda


Ludovica Meacci


Sofia Nardacchione


Priscilla Ruggiero


Francesco Tedeschi


Sofia Turati


The 2022 tutors will participate in the presentation:

Sacha Biazzo


Cataldo Ciccolella


Giulio Valesini

of Report Rai3,

Maria Cuffaro

of TG3,

Arcangelo Ferri

of Rai Radio 1 and GR,

Francesco Piccinini

of, the lawyer

Giulio Vasaturo

( legal tutor),

Francesco Cavalli

of Icaro Tv (audio-video tutor),

Pietro Ferri

Rai Com (music tutor),

Stefano Lamorgese

of Report Rai3 (digital tutor).

Led by

Marino Sinibaldi

, president of the Center for books and reading.

We then move on to OGR Torino, Corso Castelfidardo n.

22, for the

final evening of the awards ceremony

of the eleventh edition of the Morrione Prize, with the assignment of four awards: the Roberto Morrione Prize for the best investigation, the Baffo Rosso Prize to Francesco Zizola, the Witness recognition of the Roberto Morrione Prize to Chiara Cazzaniga, and the new Free Youth Award to the survey preferred by high school youth.

The evening is conducted by

Marino Sinibaldi

, president of the Center for books and reading, and on the stage there will be: the finalists, the finalists and tutors of the Roberto Morrione Prize,

Paola Barretta

, researcher of the Pavia Observatory and coordinator of the Charter of Rome,

Giovanni Celsi

, president of the Amici di Roberto Morrione association,

Mara Filippi Morrione

, spokesperson for the Friends of Roberto Morrione association,

Valentina Fries

, journalist of Reforma - Eco delle Valli Valdesi,

Carlo Fuortes

, ad RAI (dc),

Gian Mario Gillio

, director of the Nev news agency and spokesperson for the Circolo Articolo 21 Piemonte,

Giuseppe Giulietti

, president of the FNSI and president of the Morrione Prize jury,

Mariangela Gritta Grainer

, spokesperson for #NoiNonArchiviamo,

Daniele Macheda

, general secretary of UsigRai,

Roberto Natale

, director of Rai for Sustainability - ESG,

Paolo Petrecca

, director of Rainews24,

Stefano Tallia

, president of the Piedmont Order of Journalists,

Andrea Vianello

, director of GR and Rai Radio 1,

Francesco Zizola

, photographer, Baffo Rosso 2022 Award,

Andrea Zummo

, contact person for Libera Torino. 

The musical interventions will be by rapper

Tommy Kuti


Dj Marteh


The actor

Claudio Castrogiovanni

will read some texts by Roberto Morrione.

During the awards ceremony, the five special cartoons drawn by

Mauro Biani

for the Roberto Morrione Award will be shown, one for each finalist survey.

The evening is broadcast live on the Morrione Prize Youtube and Facebook channel.

The Days are promoted by the Amici di Roberto Morrione association in collaboration with RAI, with the support of the Otto per mille of the Waldensian Church, the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation, the CRT Foundation, the FNSI, the Usigrai, the Order of Journalists, of the Circolo dei conti Foundation, of OGR Torino, of Article 21, of Libera Piemonte and of the Order of Journalists of Piedmont.