Teller Report

Murder of Lola: Éric Zemmour and Reconquest evoke a "Francocide"

10/21/2022, 6:17:22 AM

Éric Zemmour and the members of his Reconquest party were this Thursday at Place Denfert-Rochereau to pay tribute to Lola, 12, killed on Friday October 14. A murder for which Dahbia B., a 24-year-old Algerian in an irregular situation, is suspected. The former presidential candidate denounced a "francocide", a term invented to qualify the murder of a French citizen committed by a foreigner.

Alexandre Chauveau 8:03 a.m., October 21, 2022

Éric Zemmour and the members of his Reconquest party were this Thursday at Place Denfert-Rochereau to pay tribute to Lola, 12, killed on Friday October 14.

A murder for which Dahbia B., a 24-year-old Algerian in an irregular situation, is suspected.

The former presidential candidate denounced a "francocide", a term invented to qualify the murder of a French citizen committed by a foreigner.

Lola's parents are opposed to the political recovery of their daughter's death.

Friday, October 14, the body of the 12-year-old girl is discovered in a trunk by a homeless person, in the XXth arrondissement of Paris.

Despite Delphine and Joan's call, a rally took place this Thursday in Paris, organized at the call of the "Institute for Justice".

Reconquest, the party of Eric Zemmour was present to denounce a "francocide": a term created from scratch to qualify the murder of a French citizen committed by a foreigner.

At the foot of the large lion in Place Denfert-Rochereau, several hundred Ile-de-France residents gathered in the rain and a banner on which is inscribed "Elected, you will be accountable".

Beyond the emotion, the participants accuse the government of being partly responsible for the death of Lola.

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"But of course, they are unable to protect us", launches a woman to Europe 1. "It is a sovereign mission of the State to enforce the law and in particular the obligations to leave the territory", estimates a man who took part in the rally.

"And I find it scandalous that there is such laxity. Afterwards, it's people like Lola or others who can suffer just because the law is not enforced."

Darmanin's call for resignation

Éric Zemmour is present in the crowd and attends the minute of silence.

But the president of Reconquête is discreet so as not to fuel the recovery trials.

Charges that refuse to endorse the participants for whom the death of Lola goes beyond the framework of the news item.

"You can mourn and express anger at the same time. I don't see how that would be contradictory," said one of them.

"Because in the case of little Aylan (note, the Kurdish child found dead on a Turkish beach in 2015) or George Floyd, there was instant recovery and it was no problem for anyone", argues another .

"I think they want to kill the fact of being able to analyze a fact of society and make a political analysis of it in order to apply corrective measures."

The rally lasted an hour, after which a group of young participants called for the resignation of Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin.