Teller Report

Balitsky announced the elimination of about 30 saboteurs who tried to enter the ZNPP

10/12/2022, 9:34:36 AM

Acting Governor of the Zaporozhye region Yevgeny Balitsky on the air of Channel One said that about 30 Ukrainian saboteurs who tried to enter the territory of the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant from the Dnieper were liquidated.

“Those that were at night, most of them were sunk.

About 30 people were counted, ”RIA Novosti quotes him.

According to him, "a significant part of the boats was sunk, some of the militants were destroyed."

Balitsky added that the rest of the saboteurs "turned around and went back."

On October 8, Volodymyr Rogov, chairman of the “We are with Russia” movement, said that the Ukrainian military had damaged the last high-voltage power line connecting the Zaporozhye nuclear power plant with the Ukrainian energy system.