Teller Report

President Yoon plans to speak with Prime Minister Kishida... “We will discuss security issues.”

10/6/2022, 1:37:56 AM

In a phone call with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida scheduled for this afternoon, President Yun Seok-yeol expected to discuss security issues related to North Korea's successive missile provocations.

President Yun Seok-yeol expected to discuss security issues related to North Korea's successive missile provocations during a phone call with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida scheduled for the afternoon of the 6th.

On the way to the Yongsan presidential office, President Yoon was asked if he would even mention the issue of past history in a phone call with the Japanese prime minister, and he said he did not know exactly what the topic would be, but he expected that there would be a discussion on security issues.