Teller Report

Ukraine: surrounded, the Russian army claims to have “withdrawn” from Lyman in the east of the country

10/1/2022, 2:24:05 PM

Threatened with encirclement, Allied troops were withdrawn from Lyman to more favorable lines,” the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

Europe 1 with AFP 4:13 p.m., October 01, 2022

Threatened with encirclement, Allied troops were withdrawn from Lyman to more favorable lines," the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

The Russian army announced on Saturday that it had "withdrawn" from the town of Lyman, an important railway junction in eastern Ukraine that Ukrainian soldiers had said they had "surrounded" in recent hours.

"Threatened with encirclement, Allied troops were withdrawn from Lyman to more favorable lines," the Russian Defense Ministry said in a statement.

Earlier, the Ukrainians had claimed to "enter" Lyman, located in the Donetsk region, annexed Friday by Moscow.

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