Teller Report

Focus - The trial of Félicien Kabuga in The Hague: waiting for the victims of the genocide in Rwanda

9/29/2022, 2:18:15 PM

After more than 20 years on the run, Félicien Kabuga was arrested in 2020 in the Paris suburbs. Formerly extremely wealthy, this 87-year-old man is accused of having financed, “helped and encouraged” the Hutu Interahamwe militias,…

After more than 20 years on the run, Félicien Kabuga was arrested in 2020 in the Paris suburbs.

The once wealthy 87-year-old is accused of having financed, "aiding and abetting" the Hutu Interahamwe militias, the main armed arms of the 1994 Tutsi genocide. His trial began Thursday before a UN court in The Hague .

Hearings that will be followed with great attention by the victims of the genocide who hope in particular to know more about the planning of the genocide.

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