Teller Report

Terra Madre: money that becomes food, loan of 10 million

9/25/2022, 4:51:36 AM

The initiative was presented at the Salone del Gusto in Turin, in an event entitled "What if the economy were at the service of the Earth?"

A bond loan of 10 million euros paid in vouchers "to demonstrate that money can be transformed into food through projects for the development of organic and biodynamic agriculture" and therefore become an ally "for the protection of the environment, for the fight against climate change and food sovereignty ".

The initiative was presented - as Ansa writes - during 'Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 2022', in Turin, in an event entitled "What if the economy were at the service of the Earth?".

"We are in a phase of change - declares Barbara Nappini, president of Slow Food Italy - and even the economy and finance will have to deal with the future. The paradigm we apply to food, good, clean and fair for everyone, can be applied to every aspect of human life, because it contains the germ of an ecological humanism, is inspired by the origins of life itself ".

During the meeting, the economist Leonardo Becchetti observed that the project is part of the so-called 'generative economy', a new branch of finance that "assumes that the objective of investment is no longer just obtaining the maximum profit without worrying about consequences: the goal, on the other hand, is to generate a positive social and environmental impact ". 

The loan was created in collaboration with Banca Etica and provides for a net interest rate of 3% per annum.

The sums raised will be used by Natura Sì to support agricultural and processing companies in improving their structures and making medium-term investments.

A part will be devoted to research and training of farmers, as well as to accompany the youngest to carry out their activities in the field of organic farming.

"We take it for granted that food is always available to us when we have money - - explains Fabio Brescacin, president of NaturaSì - but the latest geopolitical and financial events are calling us to take care of our food of tomorrow today, consciously entrusting us to virtuous farmers at least a small part of our savings ".