Teller Report

'Fiona' hits eastern Canada, 1 dead

9/25/2022, 10:58:38 PM

As of noon on September 25, local time, the report released by the provincial government of Prince Edward Island, Canada showed that Hurricane "Fiona" had caused one death in the province. "Fiona" landed in eastern Canada in the early morning of the 24th, and Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Quebec were severely affected.

  As of noon on September 25, local time, the report released by the provincial government of Prince Edward Island, Canada showed that Hurricane "Fiona" had caused one death in the province.

Preliminary investigations suggest that the victim's death may be related to a generator problem.

  "Fiona" landed in eastern Canada in the early morning of the 24th, and Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Quebec were severely affected.

  Currently, 95% of customers in PEI are still without power, and it could take several days for power companies to restore power.

The province's docks and fishing infrastructure were also severely damaged.

"The scale and magnitude of the damage is beyond anything we've seen in the history of our province," Premier Dennis King said.

  The port of Chanal-Basque in the far southwest of Newfoundland was one of the hardest hit areas.

Mayor Brian Barton said the post-disaster scenario was "completely like a war zone."

More than 20 homes were destroyed in the town of just over 4,000 people, with damage reaching at least millions of Canadian dollars.

  In Nova Scotia, hundreds of thousands of residents were still without power as of the 25th due to the impact of "Fiona".

The province's capital, Halifax, and the adjacent city of Dartmouth, saw numerous downed trees and utility poles, flooded homes and washed out roads.

In some areas of the province, the mobile phone signal is also intermittent, and even cannot be connected.

(Headquarters reporter Zhang Sen)

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