Teller Report

Israel, Prime Minister Lapid will support the "Two State solution" in his speech to the UN

9/22/2022, 8:33:05 AM

Very negative comments came not only from the nationalist opposition, but also from several ministers

Israeli Prime Minister

Yair Lapid

will express his desire to promote the "Two State Solution" - Israeli and Palestinian - in the Middle East during his speech to the UN General Assembly scheduled for today.

This was anticipated by sources close to him cited with evidence by the local media, some of which estimate that this is a "clear change" in Israeli foreign policy in recent years. 

Lapid, writes the Haaretz


, will insist on the need for political separation from the Palestinians "to strengthen Israel's security".

Very negative comments have already come not only from the nationalist opposition, but also from several ministers.



party , the main opposition party, expressed strong opposition: after Lapid "formed the first Israeli-Palestinian government, it now wants to establish a Palestinian state on the border between Kfar Saba, Netanya and Ben-Gurion airport and deliver the territories of our homeland to our enemies ", he announced.

"For years Netanyahu has managed to remove the Palestinian issue from the world agenda and Lapid has brought Abu Mazen back to the fore in less than a year," the Likud party insisted in a statement.

Critical voices have also been raised in the transitional government led by Lapid (in the run-up to the parliamentary elections in November).

"Lapid only represents himself with this stance," warned Interior Minister

Ayelet Shaked

, a member of the national religious right.

"A Palestinian state represents a danger to Israel".

Justice Minister

Gideon Saar

(leader of a new centrist secular formation) also said that "a terrorist state in Judea-Samaria (West Bank) threatens our security. Most of the Israeli people and their representatives will prevent it".

Also taken by surprise and completely opposed to Lapid's initiative was former Prime Minister

Naftali Bennett

: "There is no logic to bring the Palestinian State project back to the surface. We are in 2022 and not in 1993 (year of the Oslo accords ,


). Even our friends do not expect us to compromise on our safety and our future ".