Teller Report

Logbook day 10- Death of Elizabeth II: in Carlisle, a last mass as a farewell

9/19/2022, 4:25:15 AM

In a few hours will begin the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II in London. And if the whole world is about to follow this event. Some Britons will unfortunately not be able to go to London to pay homage to him. So in the town of Carlisle a few kilometers from the Scottish border, a last mass was given yesterday in his honor.

Nina Droff 06:13, September 19, 2022

In a few hours will begin the funeral of Queen Elizabeth II in London.

And if the whole world is about to follow this event.

Some Britons will unfortunately not be able to go to London to pay homage to him.

So in the town of Carlisle a few kilometers from the Scottish border, a last mass was given yesterday in his honor.


Under the blue and golden vault of Carlisle Cathedral, dozens of people are leaning in their seats, hands folded, in full prayer.

Candles and flowers were placed near the altar in tribute to Queen Elizabeth II.

Failing to be at the funeral, Sue wanted to come here today.

"I'm not in good enough shape to go to London but I would have loved to go," she said at the microphone of Europe 1.

>> Find Europe Matin in replay and podcast here

"70 years of reign to celebrate"

"I remember her coronation when I was 5 years old. She was a bit like a mother or a grandmother to me," she adds.

A shared feeling for Gilly and her son Matthew, who came to lay a bouquet of tulips and attend mass.

"She was very religious, really devoted to the Anglican Church. We couldn't go to London or Edinburgh. So here is the best place to lay flowers and show our affection for the queen," says Gilly.

"It's important. There are 70 years of reign to celebrate," adds his son in front of a flowerbed.

Tomorrow, it will therefore be in front of the television that the family will follow the farewell ceremony for the queen.

In front of Carlisle Cathedral, dozens of bouquets were laid.

Photo credits: Nina Droff

"Many Tears"

"We try to keep our feelings inside, to be strong because she wanted us to be strong. But there will be a lot of tears on Monday," she admits. 

Gilly and Matthew now hope to find time to travel to London in the coming weeks to pay their respects at the Queen's grave.


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>>Logbook day 10- Death of Elizabeth II: in Carlisle, a last mass as a farewell

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