Teller Report

“Health Services” supports pharmaceutical services with 3 initiatives

9/19/2022, 10:21:11 PM

The Emirates Corporation for Health Services stated that it intends to implement three initiatives soon as part of its plan to develop its pharmaceutical services, which are “providing special kiosks for self-dispensing medicines, the service of ordering medicines through vehicles, and home delivery options.”

With the aim of improving the patient experience and providing optimal healthcare

“Health Services” supports pharmaceutical services with 3 initiatives

«Health Services» implemented a high-tech robotic pharmacy in hospitals.


The Emirates Health Services Corporation stated that it intends to implement three initiatives soon as part of its plan to develop its pharmaceutical services, which are "providing special kiosks for self-dispensing medicines, the service of ordering medicines through vehicles, and home delivery options."

The Foundation explained to "Emirates Today" that the three initiatives aim to improve and enhance the patient's experience, access to optimal care, and link it to health information systems (vein) and the application of Shifa.

The institution confirmed that it witnessed a qualitative leap in the provision of its various programs and services related to pharmacy, as it touched on providing services that benefit the customer's journey, in addition to the journey of the health care provider to increase efficiency, productivity and quality of services provided, and the information sector contributed to adopting these practices and reflecting them on health information systems (Wareed). ) Available in all health facilities of the institution to implement the vision of the institution.

She pointed out that one of the most prominent initiatives that it implemented to support its pharmaceutical services is the provision of a high-tech robotic pharmacy in hospitals, to ensure that patient waiting hours are reduced.

And it added that it also launched the Narcotic Drug Alerts and Prescribing Project, which automates alerts for narcotic drugs and sends an alert if any drug is dispensed to the service provider.

In addition to prescribing narcotic drugs through a vein system according to certain criteria and conditions, as these drugs cannot be dispensed through a manual prescription.

She added that among the projects she launched was setting a policy for supervising antibiotics and setting standards for the use of prohibited antibiotics and the mechanism for their use and dispensing, explaining that the Department of Health Information Systems in the information sector took over the supervision of antibiotics, and in it a qualitative leap was produced in the world of medicines and pharmacy as it contributes to Reducing the number of deaths, in addition to treating infections and wounds.

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