Teller Report

Queue for Queen Elizabeth's coffin over 24 hours: "Don't come here"

9/17/2022, 8:48:32 AM

The queue for Queen Elizabeth's coffin is now over a day long, reports the BBC and other British media. The authorities are concerned about safety and are now appealing to Britons to stay at home. "Don't come here to stand in line," pleads the Ministry of Culture, according to TT.

Many people are queuing to say a final farewell to Queen Elizabeth.

But when the queue reaches new record lengths, it becomes increasingly difficult to have a safety plan.

Now the authorities are appealing to the British to stay at home.

Long queues a safety risk

Security planning for the Queen's retinue in London has been enormous given the increased risk of terrorist attacks as large crowds have gathered in central London.

After record-long queues and an incident on Friday, when a man was arrested after breaking out of the queue and touching the Queen's coffin without permission, the authorities now say that no more people should stand in line, The Guardian reports.

Earlier, two women also accused a man of sexual assault while they were queuing at Westminster Hall.

This is how those queuing prepare for the long waiting time - see more in the clip above.

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