Teller Report

The diplomacy of Elizabeth II's funeral: the guests and those rejected by the United Kingdom

9/16/2022, 10:18:22 AM

Westminster Abbey will become the center of world power next Monday at 11 am. Elizabeth II's funeral will be attended by around 500 heads of state and...

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Westminster Abbey will become the center of world power next Monday at 11 am.

Elizabeth II's funeral will be attended by around

500 heads of state and foreign dignitaries

, who received the invitation last weekend.

But not all countries will be represented at the 'funeral of the century'.

If the late queen of England strictly complied with something, it was the Crown's maxim of not interfering in political matters, but the list of guests at her funeral has become a geopolitical 'map' and a reflection of the diplomatic tensions that the United Kingdom maintains United.

no invitation

Heading the list of countries that have not received an invitation, the leader of the country that according to NATO represents the greatest threat to the stability of the West: Vladimir Putin.

Despite having unleashed a war in the heart of Europe and the fastest refugee exodus on the continent since World War II, it seems that the Kremlin did expect to be invited to share a bench with the leaders who have turned their backs on it since invaded Ukraine.

They have even felt wronged.

"We see how

profoundly immoral

the British attempt to use a national tragedy, which has touched the hearts of millions of people around the world, for geopolitical purposes to settle accounts with our country in a few days of mourning," said Maria Zakharova, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, in Putin sent a telegram of condolences after the death of the monarch last week, but - even having been invited - "he had no plans to participate in the funeral or other acts from the beginning", his spokesman was quick to affirm, Dmitri Peskov His partner, Belarus, is also left out of the list.

Representatives from

Syria, Afghanistan and Venezuela have also not been invited

, as the UK does not have full diplomatic relations with these countries.

The heads of state of

Nicaragua, North Korea and Iran

have not received an invitation and will have to settle for the possibility of sending only their ambassador.


, a former British colony, will also not be represented on Monday as the UK has reduced its diplomatic presence in the Asian country since last year's military coup.

with invitation

Among those who will occupy one of the 2,000 seats in the Abbey are the French president,

Emmanuel Macron

, the German,

Frank-Walter Steinmeier

, the Italian,

Sergio Mattarella

, as well as the president of the European Commission,

Ursula von der Leyen,

who will put aside the tensions of Brexit.

London also has the presence of the South Korean leader,

Yoon Suk-Yeol

, the Brazilian president,

Jair Bolsonaro

, and the Turkish

Recep Tayyip Erdogan

, among others.

The US delegation will be led by President

Joe Biden

and the first lady, who has already confirmed attendance.

The 'special relationship' between London and Washington has allowed Biden to travel to the Abbey in an armored presidential limousine, rather than by bus, as other VIPs are expected to do.

Although the invitations are only extended to leaders in office, the press speculates on the possible assistance of the



As for China, President

Xi Jinping

has an invitation, but it will be the Vice President,

Wang Qishan

, who will attend.

His attendance has caused controversy among a group of British Conservative MPs who have been banned from traveling to China and have had their assets frozen in the Asian country due to their campaigns against Beijing's crackdown on the Uyghur minority in the region. Xinjiang.

Wang is one of the leaders of countries considered authoritarian by the West who will travel to London, in addition to the Egyptian president,

Abdel Fatah al-Sisi,

and the Saudi crown prince,

Mohammed bin Salman

, who has not yet given an official 'yes'.

Most Middle East leaders remain unconfirmed for security reasons, with the exception of Israeli President

Isaac Herzog

and Qatari Emir

Tamim bin Hamad al Thani


Commonwealth leaders

Although the response period has already expired, the complexity of the logistics and the security device have delayed the confirmation of several guests.

Yes, the 56 representatives of the Commonwealth are expected, of which 15 have had the queen as head of state.

The Canadian 'premier',

Justin Trudeau

, the Australian,

Anthony Albanese,

and the New Zealander,

Jacinda Ardern,

have already confirmed.


Royals will play a big role, as many are blood relatives of the queen.


Felipe VI and Queen Letizi

have already said yes, as well as King Emeritus

Juan Carlos I

and his wife,



The monarchs of Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Denmark and Monaco will also be present.

The attendance of Japanese Emperor


and Empress


will be loaded with symbolism, as they will break with the tradition of not attending funerals, in what will be their first trip abroad since their accession to the throne in 2019.

Present at Isabel II's state farewell will also be prominent representatives from the world of culture, art and society.

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  • United Kingdom

  • Vladimir Putin

  • Europe

  • Ukraine

  • Russia

  • Elizabeth II of England

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