Teller Report

In 1969 in Cestas, near Bordeaux, a divorced father, André Fourquet, barricaded himself in his farm with his three children. He is armed and shoots anything that moves. He demands the arrival of his ex-wife. The gendarmes, who know him well, decide to wait for him to calm down.

9/11/2022, 4:07:37 AM

In 1969 in Cestas, near Bordeaux, a divorced father, André Fourquet, barricaded himself in his farm with his three children. He is armed and shoots anything that moves. He demands the arrival of his ex-wife. The gendarmes, who know him well, decide to wait for him to calm down.

Christophe Hondelatte SEASON 2022 - 202306:00 a.m., September 11, 2022

In 1969 in Cestas, near Bordeaux, a divorced father, André Fourquet, barricaded himself in his farm with his three children.

He is armed and shoots anything that moves.

He demands the arrival of his ex-wife.

The gendarmes, who know him well, decide to wait for him to calm down.

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