Teller Report

What is the secret of Queen Elizabeth's "handbag" that she carried for 50 years and what was inside?!

9/9/2022, 6:54:30 AM

The late Queen Elizabeth II was known for her looks, which she always coordinated with hats, gloves, pearl necklaces, and diamond brooches. The only accessory that has accompanied her for more than 50 years without any modification is her handbag, which she always chooses.

What is the secret of Queen Elizabeth's "handbag" that she carried for 50 years and what was inside?!

The late Queen Elizabeth II was known for her looks, which she always coordinated with hats, gloves, pearl necklaces, and diamond brooches.

The only accessory that has accompanied her for more than 50 years without any modification is her handbag, which she has always chosen from the same brand, as it has remained faithful for more than half a century to the same bag specially designed for her by the British house Launer.

In the past five decades, this house has designed for her more than 200 bags that varied between six different styles.

But the Traviata style has always been her favourite, and is handcrafted from soft calf leather with a goatskin lining.

The price of a bag belonging to this style is about 2,400 dollars.

She has always preferred black bags, which she rarely replaces with a white or cream bag.

The story of Queen Elizabeth and Launer bags began at the end of the sixties of the last century. In 1968, the house was asked to present the Queen with a design for a bag that only she could carry.

Since then, the Queen receives about 5 new bags from the brand every year, specially designed to suit her sizes.

She always preferred classic designs with a handle that was a little longer than usual, rather than a bag devoid of any zippers or shoulder straps.

The Queen always requested that the bag have a larger than usual pocket in the back, as well as an inner coin pocket and a small mirror.

According to "Al Arabiya Net", the biographers of Queen Elizabeth revealed that her bag always contained lipstick, a forbidden embroidered with the letters of her name, a pair of glasses, mint-flavored candies and a small piece of chocolate, in addition to a pen and a network of crossword puzzles.

It is also said that the queen used her handbag to send secret signals to her companions, as she moved her bag from her left arm to the right while she was talking to someone to indicate her desire to end the conversation quickly, but when she was putting her bag on the ground, this means that she needs to save her from an unfair confrontation. Comfortable as quickly as possible.

And when she puts her bag on the dinner table, it means she wants to leave in the next five minutes.

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