Teller Report

Ana de Armas: "Marilyn was a woman like me, the same age and in the same industry"

9/8/2022, 2:06:57 PM

At last. By Blonde. At the moment, we have the movie and it's all good news. And, for the moment too, little more to say because both the producer, Netflix, and himself...

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At last.




At the moment, we have the movie and it's all good news.

And, for the moment too, little more to say because both the producer, Netflix, and the festival itself demand silence for comments and criticism under the threat of an even longer sentence (perhaps eternal) than the one suffered by the film itself.

The time to write bombastic phrases and launch '


' into space begins

at 7 pm,

gala time at the LIdo, which is 10 am in Los Angeles, traffic jam time.

"The biggest challenge of all, beyond the 11 years of production, was obviously to get the money,"

Andrew Domink

broke fire

before the press to make it clear that those who hope do not always despair.

Beside her,

Ana de Armas,

who even cried at the end of it all, was shown at all times, excited, nervous and more.

"This job has changed my life forever. I don't care what anyone says about it. It's been a year living inside Marilyn, her insecurities, her problems... I wanted to be her as closely as possible. I didn't want protect me at all", he insisted to immediately confess the most obvious:

"Marilyn was a woman like me of the same age and in the same industry"


Everything was hugs, smiles and the certainty that this festival, this year, is where it is right now, a little because of them.



Ana de Armas before the press conference to present 'Blonde'.CLAUDIO ONORATIEFE

Remember, the film was about to be in Cannes and even received the approval of its director Thierry Frémaux who dared to say that he liked it and that everything was fine.

He did it to mark territory (the French always go first) and just before reminding us that with Netflix in the middle, the Croisette is removed.

And that's where Venice came as a great broom car for television platforms.

Up to four productions from the capital N (po-pon) chain are in competition this year.

There are those who even propose that the Festival change its name and be called


from now on .

To know more


Andrew Dominik on 'Blonde': "Ana de Armas is the most desirable woman on the planet"

  • Drafting: LUIS MARTÍNEZBerlin

Andrew Dominik on 'Blonde': "Ana de Armas is the most desirable woman on the planet"


Ana de Armas criticizes the 'adult' classification of her latest film: "There are others with much more sexual content"

  • Editorial: EFE Los Angeles

Ana de Armas criticizes the 'adult' classification of her latest film: "There are others with much more sexual content"

But, to what we were going.

Before the press without opinion, the team of the film was exultant, not insulting at all.

And, again, all together they exhibited the arsenal of common places that have been repeated since the very long promotion of all this.

"With Marilyn I have learned many things,"

says Ana de Armas.

And he continues in a somewhat more concrete way: "I have learned to have empathy and respect for the actors who, in some way, are also under pressure from the media. Nobody is prepared for that.

You have to face every day what which is supposed to be in the image that others project of you.

Now I know how to protect myself better. Despite everything, Marilyn was extremely strong and did the best she could."

About the tape, everything has been said.

At first, everything seemed like a scandal.

"How is it possible that a production company censors its own film?" All the media jumped into one, both those specialized in cinema and those specialized in being scandalized (many agree).

They have been more than a decade of production and a permanently delayed premiere

with the producer and the director in a brawl

and in full view of everyone.

The first described it as too explicit and demanded a radical cut.

He came to comment as inadmissible

"a bloody cunnilingus"


The director counterattacked and, in addition to denying oral gossip (because of sex), demanded an all or nothing: not a single cut.

In the end, Dominik wins, but has to compromise with the commercial rating of NC-17

which brings her dangerously close to porn.

It would seem that all this theatrical online dispute is nothing more than an added chapter of the film itself.

Consistent with her in each of her inconsistencies.

And what about cunnilingus?

That is another question.

Ana de Armas is Marilyn Monroe in 'Blonde'.ANDREAS SOLAROAFP

The director of films like

'The assassination of Jesse James by the cowardly Robert Ford'


'Kill them softly'

already seems to be on the sidelines of the controversy.

He doesn't even mention her.

He says that the film began shooting on August 4, the same day that Marilyn died.

And that precisely the end was shot that day in the same place, in the same room.

"We were very aware," De Armas now speaks, "that this film was a kind of tribute to her, that everything was much bigger than us, that it pierced us. During the entire shoot there was something ghostly in the environment...

I don't want to sound mystical, but I think she would have approved of it."


To situate ourselves and neither to create false expectations nor to tell anything that jumps the leads of the embargo, simply say that the film adapts the

Joyce Carol Oates

novel of the same title, but it does so faithfully and very much in its own way.

The spirit is what counts.

To put it short, we are not dealing with a


but in the strict sense of its opposite (whatever the latter may be).

And that's it.

Telling more is describing the mechanism and telling how everything was done without adding whether it was done right or wrong, it would be like cunnilingus from before, a myth.

And at this point...



' has been a gift.

Whatever happens, it's an experience I'll carry with me forever. The movie has changed my life."

And she gets excited.

And she cries.

At last.

For '



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  • Netflix

  • cinema