Teller Report

Pushilin announced the transfer of 86 UAVs to the training center named after Vladimir Zhoga

8/25/2022, 7:50:25 PM

The All-Russian Popular Front handed over 86 unmanned aerial vehicles to the training center for UAV control named after Vladimir Zhoga, the commander of the Sparta battalion, who died during the liberation of Volnovakha.

This was announced by the head of the Donetsk People's Republic Denis Pushilin in his Telegram.

According to him, the transfer of drones was carried out jointly with the deputy head of the presidential administration of Russia, Sergei Kiriyenko.

In addition, Pushilin expressed gratitude to all Russians for their help, which will allow the military "at the forefront to do their hard work more efficiently."

In May, on the Alley of Heroes in the park of culture and recreation in Donetsk, a monument was unveiled to the Hero of Russia and the DPR, Sparta battalion commander Colonel Vladimir Zhoga with the call sign Vokha.