Teller Report

Knutson: Politicians' protection has been tightened tremendously

8/25/2022, 7:50:17 PM

Theodor Engström's plans to assassinate C leader Annie Lööf during the Almedal Week have raised questions about the party leaders' personal safety during the election campaign. According to SVT's domestic policy commentator Mats Knutson, the protection is strong, although it may become even more extensive in the future. - It is possible that what happened now has consequences for how the protection of politicians is assessed, he says in Aktuellt.

The security mindset that surrounds Swedish politicians has largely been shaped by our political history, according to Mats Knutson.

Not least the murders of Olof Palme and Anna Lindh have left an impression on the Security Police's way of working.

- It is not just about the murders, but also Breivik's attack in Norway.

It has also led to the protection of both individual politicians and political institutions being tightened tremendously.

At the same time, politicians' personal protection is designed based on the threat picture they are judged to live under, which means that the way of working can differ greatly from person to person.

Almedalen is also a trial as there are a lot of people in circulation, says Knutson.

- However, I don't think they will abolish the Almedalen, so to speak.

It is such an important event for Swedish democracy, so it will probably remain.

Hear Mats Knutson about safety in Almedalen in the clip above.