Teller Report

Belousov: US nuclear capabilities go beyond START III

8/25/2022, 7:13:26 PM

The United States has the means to use nuclear weapons, the number of which goes beyond the scope of the START III treaty, Andrey Belousov, deputy head of the Russian delegation at the NPT Review Conference, said.

Belousov stressed that Russia could not confirm the American side's statement that some of the equipment on their strategic submarine missile carriers had been converted and was no longer used for the use of nuclear weapons.

“As a result, the United States actually possesses a greater number of means intended for the use of nuclear weapons than prescribed by the treaty,” RIA Novosti quotes him.

According to Belousov, this predominance could lead to an increase in the potential of the US strategic nuclear forces by about 1,200 warheads.

Earlier, Igor Vishnevetsky, Deputy Director of the Department for Non-Proliferation and Arms Control of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said that Russia and the United States intend to discuss the situation with inspections under START III.

Prior to this, US President Joe Biden said that his administration was ready to discuss with Russia a new arms control system that would replace the START III treaty, which expires in 2026.