Teller Report

President Yoon said, "Korea-China expects qualitative development based on mutual respect and reciprocity"

8/24/2022, 10:48:47 AM

In a letter commemorating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Korea and China, President Yun Seok-yeol said, "I hope to find a new direction for cooperation for the next 30 years based on the spirit of mutual respect and reciprocity."

In a letter commemorating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between Korea and China, President Yun Seok-yeol said, "I hope to find a new direction for cooperation for the next 30 years based on the spirit of mutual respect and reciprocity."

In a press release on the 24th, the President's Office sent a message through Minister of Foreign Affairs Park Jin, saying, "We hope that the relationship between Korea and China will go beyond quantitative growth and develop qualitatively." was announced to the public, he said.

President Yoon also added, "I hope to promote high-level exchanges and achieve concrete results that the people can feel in substantive cooperation fields such as economic security, environment, and climate change, including the supply chain."

China's role in the North Korean nuclear issue was also expected.

President Yoon said, "I hope that China will play a constructive role in resolving the North Korean nuclear issue, and I look forward to meeting President Xi in face-to-face consultations for the development of Korea-China relations over the next 30 years."

Chinese President Xi Jinping said, "As a neighboring country that has maintained friendly exchanges for a long time, it was evaluated that the two countries have developed bilateral relations while maintaining openness and inclusiveness through mutually beneficial cooperation for the past 30 years since establishment of diplomatic ties."

President Xi also added, "I hope to strengthen strategic communication with President Yun and build fruitful friendship with the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties as a new starting point," the presidential office said.

(Photo = Yonhap News)