Teller Report

Deepening the reform of the household registration system adds vitality to the "mobile China"

8/23/2022, 12:07:32 AM

The "14th Five-Year Plan for New Urbanization Implementation Plan" proposes to deepen the reform of the household registration system Adding dynamism to a "mobile China"   Completely abolish the restrictions on settlement in cities with a permanent population of less than 3 million in urban areas, relax the restrictions on settlement except for a few megacities, and try to register the household

The "14th Five-Year Plan for New Urbanization Implementation Plan" proposes to deepen the reform of the household registration system

Adding dynamism to a "mobile China"

  Completely abolish the restrictions on settlement in cities with a permanent population of less than 3 million in urban areas, relax the restrictions on settlement except for a few megacities, and try to register the household registration system with the usual place of residence... The National Development and Reform Commission issued the "14th Five-Year Plan" in early July. New towns The "Plan" (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") proposed to deepen the reform of the household registration system, and "hukou" and "settlement" have once again become hot topics.

  The household registration system is connected with population flow at one end and urban development at the other.

Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, China's population mobility has become more and more obvious. The reform of the household registration system has promoted the "two-way travel" of population, talents and cities and towns.

Through the reform, by the end of 2020, the urbanization rate of the national permanent population will reach 63.89%, and the urbanization rate of the registered population will increase to 45.4%. Currently, 130 million agricultural migrants and other permanent residents have settled in cities and towns.

More and more cities are opening up and relaxing restrictions on household settlement, with complete supporting facilities and more guarantees, and "new citizens" feel more convenience in life.

  Most cities relax restrictions on settlement

  "I used to live in a rental house alone, and I always felt adrift." Five years ago, a young man from Sichuan, Chen Lingtao, came to work in Quanzhou, Fujian.

Looking back on the days when he first came, he was very emotional.

Later, he practiced excellent car repair skills, and gradually gained a firm foothold in this southern city with a population of more than 1 million. He not only married and had children, but also brought his parents to live together.

  Seeing that the child was about to go to school and the parents' household registration was still in their hometown, Chen Lingtao began to worry about the household registration problem.

At the beginning of last year, he heard from a friend that Quanzhou has introduced measures to facilitate the settlement of households. In his situation, he can freely settle down.

He immediately took the labor contract to the local Human Resources and Social Security Bureau to go through the settlement procedures.

Now, her daughter is going to a kindergarten near her home, and her parents' household registration has also moved to Quanzhou.

"I really feel that Quanzhou is my second hometown now." Chen Lingtao said that he plans to open a car repair shop and bring some cousins ​​from his hometown to Quanzhou for development.

  In recent years, many young people like Chen Lingtao have taken root in the city.

With the release of the "14th Five-Year Plan for New Urbanization Implementation Plan", the restrictions on settlement except for individual megacities are relaxed, and more and more people will be able to settle in cities.

  According to the "Plan", the restrictions on settlement in cities with a permanent population of less than 3 million in urban areas will be fully abolished, and the standards for settlement in cities for non-local and local agricultural migrants will be treated equally.

The conditions for settling in large cities with a permanent population of 3 million to 5 million in urban areas will be relaxed in an all-round way.

Improve the points settlement policy for super-large cities with a permanent population of more than 5 million in urban areas, simplify the points items, ensure that the social insurance payment period and residence period points account for the main proportion, and encourage the cancellation of the annual quota for settlement.

  The reporter inquired about the "2020 Urban Construction Statistical Yearbook" issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and found that Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Chongqing and Tianjin have five cities with a population of more than 10 million, and Chengdu has a population of more than 5 million and less than 10 million. , Guangzhou, Nanjing, Xi'an and Wuhan, these cities will improve the points settlement policy in the next step.

Cities with urban populations between 3 million and 5 million include Jinan, Shenyang, Qingdao, Zhengzhou, Hangzhou, Kunming, Changsha, Harbin, Changchun, Dalian, Shijiazhuang, Taiyuan, etc., which will comprehensively relax settlement conditions.

According to the "Plan", by the end of 2020, the number of cities in the country will be 685, which means that excluding the above-mentioned cities, those cities with an urban population of less than 3 million are eligible for the complete cancellation of the restrictions on household registration, and floating population can freely settle down.

  China's population is characterized by high mobility and migration.

According to the 2021 National Economic and Social Development Statistical Bulletin issued by the National Bureau of Statistics, the population separated from households last year (referring to the population whose residence is inconsistent with the township and street where the household registration is located and who have left the household registration for six months or more) was 504 million people. , of which the floating population (referring to the population separated from households deducting the population separated from households in the municipal area) is 385 million.

With the deepening of the reform of the household registration system, a large number of people who come to cities to work hard will benefit from it.

  "Adhering to the people-oriented principle and promoting the orderly realization of citizenization of permanent residents with stable employment and living in cities and towns is an important part of the new urbanization. One of the goals of the reform of the household registration system is to promote the free and orderly flow of labor and promote the development of new urbanization. "Fan Yi, president of the Financial City Research Institute, told reporters.

  Points settlement policy is gradually optimized

  "I care about the masses and relieve the people's worries" - A few days ago, Mr. Qu, who works in Shunyi District, Beijing, sent a pennant to the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau to thank the staff for their thoughtful service during his points settlement.

  Mr. Qu, from his hometown of Shandong, has worked hard in Beijing for nearly 20 years.

He started a business with friends and started a landscaping company.

He said that he had already enjoyed a number of public services by applying for a residence permit, but the "Beijing Drift" group had anxiety about hukou, which is an important symbol of taking root in Beijing.

  "I didn't know about the points settlement policy before, and I didn't know where to apply for it." Mr. Qu said that the staff of the Public Service Center of the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Shunyi District have visited the park and enterprises to give lectures in recent years, so that he can understand the relevant procedures and requirements of the points settlement. materials, scoring criteria, etc.

Since last year, Mr. Qu has calculated the points required for legal and stable employment, domicile, educational background, innovation and entrepreneurship, tax payment and other 9 indicators, and felt that the points were enough, so he began to apply online.

  In July this year, Beijing announced the list of points to settle down, and a total of 6,006 people intend to obtain the qualification to settle down. Mr. Qu is one of them.

The average working time of these people in Beijing is 16.7 years, the average age is 40.8 years old, and they come from 4,434 units.

Mr. Qu said: "Beijing is an inclusive and open city. We hope that more people will settle down in Beijing to work and live with peace of mind in the future."

  In the "Plan" announced this time, there have been significant changes in the points settlement policy for super-large cities with a permanent population of more than 5 million in urban areas. In addition to continuing to clarify "simplify the points program to ensure that the social insurance payment period and residence period score account for the main proportion", it is also proposed. "Encourage the cancellation of the annual quota limit".

  Lu Ming, executive dean of the China Development Research Institute of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, believes that many super-large cities currently implement the "points + quota" system, and applicants need to be ranked within the quota before they can settle down.

If the quota limit is abolished, and only points are used as the standard, for those who have lived in big cities for a long time and have actually paid social security for a long time, the process of settlement will be greatly accelerated.

  In recent years, mega-cities have been actively exploring the relaxation of the restrictions on points settlement.

For example, starting from 2020, Tianjin will not set a total limit on the total number of residence permit points.

Last year, Nanjing comprehensively relaxed the restrictions on settlement in suburban areas, and included industries that are in short supply and hardships in the city as a bonus indicator.

Wuhan increased the proportion of basic indicators such as stable employment and stable residence in points settlement from 50% to 60%, and explored the establishment of a normalized application mechanism for points.

  According to experts, the composition of points settlement indicators in various places is basically "basic indicators + bonus indicators". The basic indicators generally include age, educational background, professional and technical titles and skill levels, social security years, etc. The bonus indicators are usually honor recognition, innovation and entrepreneurship. Wait.

As super and megacities explore to abolish the quota of households according to their own conditions, the number of years of social security payment and the score of residence period have become the main indicators.

  Promote the equalization of basic public services in cities and towns

  Liu Li, who has worked outside her hometown for more than 20 years, runs a 2,000-square-meter pedicure city in Hefei, Anhui Province, with an annual turnover of nearly 6 million yuan.

She got married, bought a house, and became a boss in the city, but when Hefei eased the conditions for rural migrants to settle down, she and her husband did not dare to give up their rural hukou.

She said frankly: "When I really want to move, I feel like I have nothing to do in the countryside. If I don't have land, what should I do if I can't work in the city? If I can't make money in the city, how can I eat? When I get a little bit of setback, I get this idea."

  A small household registration book is attached with a variety of basic public services such as education, employment and entrepreneurship, social insurance, medical care, and housing security.

  How to eliminate people's worries when they settle down?

The "Plan" proposes to promote the agricultural transfer population and urban residents to enjoy the same rights and perform the same obligations; to protect the rural land contract rights, homestead use rights, and collective income distribution rights of farmers who have settled in cities according to law, and improve the marketization of farmers' "three rights" Exit mechanism and supporting policies.

At the same time, establish a mechanism in which basic public services are linked to the resident population and provided by the place of permanent residence, steadily increase the number and level of basic public service items enjoyed by non-registered permanent residents in the inflow areas, and promote the full coverage of urban basic public services for the permanent resident population.

  Lu Ming believes that the influx of people into cities should increase the investment in land, finance and other resources, and give preference to land for basic public services and housing.

In terms of funds, more emphasis should be placed on investment in education, medical care and other fields to meet the needs of population growth; central fiscal transfer payments "money must follow people", increasing fiscal transfer payments for population inflows into urban public services; Improve social funds and increase investment in public service infrastructure.

Population outflow cities should develop more industries that accommodate employment and population, improve public services and infrastructure construction, and increase their attractiveness to the population.

  Fan Yi suggested that city managers deepen their understanding of population talents and regard population as a development resource, because cities need a diverse population resource structure; clarify the responsibilities of governments at all levels in promoting the settlement of cross-regional migrants; Settling in the appropriate policy system; resolutely promote the process of equalization of urban public services.

  "What is the improvement of the quality of urbanization? To a certain extent, it is to improve the quality of public services." Fan Yi believes that the reform of the household registration system and the equalization of public services promote each other.

This is a systematic project that requires comprehensive advancement of a series of reforms such as the reform of the household registration system, the reform of the land system and the reform of the administrative management system.

  Reporter Peng Xunwen