Teller Report

Great report - Starting class, young people reintegrate through dance, singing and theater

7/7/2022, 11:51:56 AM

Use artistic practice to regain self-confidence, learn the codes of living together, find a place in society and a life project. This is the objective of the Departure Class,…

Great report

Starting class, young people reintegrate through dance, singing and theater

Audio 7:30 p.m.

According to a 2016 survey in France, 72% of young people between the ages of 16 and 24 said they enjoy writing.


By: Lise Verbeke

1 min

Use artistic practice to regain self-confidence, learn the codes of living together, find a place in society and a life project.

This is the objective of the Classe Départ, led by the association L'Envol, in Arras and Béthune, two cities in the north of France, one of the poorest regions of the country.

For 7 months, young people aged 16 to 25, out of the school system, without a professional project, with a very complicated personal journey, learn to dance, sing, write and play comedy.


The Classe Départ has proven itself, and is starting to spread all over France. 

“Starting class, young people reintegrate through dance, singing and theater”, a major report by Lise Verbeke (rebroadcast from February 7, 2022).


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