Teller Report

Marie-Thérèse of France, the survivor

6/30/2022, 2:54:42 PM

In 1793, Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette were guillotined nine months apart. Their children, Louis XVII and Marie-Thérèse of France, remained imprisoned in the Tour du Temple. But when the young boy died in captivity, in June 1795, Marie-Thérèse became the ultimate representative of the royal family...

Clémentine Portier-Kaltenbach 4:45 p.m., June 30, 2022

In 1793, Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette were guillotined nine months apart.

Their children, Louis XVII and Marie-Thérèse of France, remained imprisoned in the Tour du Temple.

But when the young boy died in captivity, in June 1795, Marie-Thérèse became the ultimate representative of the royal family...