Teller Report

They find in Ávila the body of a woman who disappeared 19 years ago

6/29/2022, 5:30:15 PM

After 19 years, he will finally rest in peace. The National Police found this Tuesday in Ávila the body of Juana Canal, a woman who disappeared on February 22, 2003 without...

After 19 years, he

will finally rest in peace.

The National Police found this Tuesday in Ávila the body of Juana Canal, a woman who disappeared on February 22, 2003 without a trace.

"My dearest sister.

You have already found your stairs to heaven...

Wait for me there and we will sing together forever," wrote her sister, Ana María Canal, according to

Caso Abierto


Broken with pain, she has finally closed a cycle after

almost two decades of uncertainty.

It was the son of Juana, whom her loved ones called


the first to suspect.

After spending the night away from him, he returned to his house,

but did not find his mother


Only a note written by Juana's former partner addressed to him: "Your mother and I have had a strong argument and

she has run away

. I have gone looking for her, but I have not found her."

Juana was 38 years old when she lost track.

She also has two children from a previous marriage.

Her life was starting to roll again thanks to a new job, which had allowed her to leave her mother's house and

settle in the Madrid district of Ciudad Lineal.

The discovery of his body occurs three months after

Open Case

published a report with which the search was reactivated.

Now the investigation is still open, in order to answer the many questions that remain in the air, such as

what really happened to Juana.

Conforms to The Trust Project criteria

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  • Articles Daniel Somolinos