Teller Report

This is the most spectacular bar in Europe: glass, diamond-shaped and suspended over a canyon

6/21/2022, 12:09:31 AM

After crossing the spectacular glass bridge that has just been inaugurated, you may benefit from a drink. Maybe a double. Don't worry, it's all thought out. Because...

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After crossing the spectacular glass bridge that has just been inaugurated , you may

benefit from a drink


Maybe a double.

Don't worry, it's all thought out.

Because halfway through this challenging construction that has just been inaugurated in Georgia

, a diamond-shaped bar

awaits the intrepid traveler to ask for what everyone needs.

The new tourist attraction of the country in the heart of the Caucasus measures no less than 240 meters long.

This is the most daring way to cross the

Dashbashi canyon

, a spectacular place two hours drive from Tbilisi, the capital.

The bridge, a feat of steel and glass, has taken three years to complete and has cost almost 40 million euros.

The reality is that it is much more than a bridge.

It turns out that the multi-tiered bar anchored in the middle of the tour is probably the largest and tallest hanging structure in the world.

At least that's how the authorities want to submit it to Guinness World Records for certification.

bicycle zip line

The imagination of the place goes even further.

As if crossing the bridge on foot was not enough, there is the possibility of doing it on a

zip line and riding a bicycle


The circus and definitely extreme experience is not for everyone, but it does offer priceless views of this Georgian natural monument dotted with

waterfalls and caves


There is no doubt that this type of attraction has its audience.

This spring, the longest glass bridge in the world was inaugurated in Son La province, in northwestern Vietnam.

Suspended 150 meters above the ground, it measures 630 meters long.

And not even a month ago the Czech Republic debuted its Sky Bridge 721, considered the longest suspended pedestrian bridge to date.

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