Teller Report

The Mississippi in the skin!

6/17/2022, 4:26:19 PM

Historically Yours brings together 3 characters who have the Mississippi in their skin: the writer Mark Twain who imagined “Tom Sawyer” on paper, a childhood hero who, like him, grew up on the banks of the Mississippi which irrigated all his work, with talent, and humor too. Then he has the Mississippi so much in his skin that he put it in his stage name too: the Mississippi bluesman John Hurt, who went from the cotton fields to the stage. And a more contemporary Mississippi fan who canoed back 4,500 kilometers: American travel writer Eddy L. Harris.

Stéphane Bern & Matthieu Noël SEASON 2021 - 20226:20 p.m., June 17, 2022

Historically Yours brings together 3 characters who have the Mississippi in their skin: the writer Mark Twain who imagined “Tom Sawyer” on paper, a childhood hero who, like him, grew up on the banks of the Mississippi which irrigated all his work, with talent, and humor too.

Then he has the Mississippi so much in his skin that he put it in his stage name too: the Mississippi bluesman John Hurt, who went from the cotton fields to the stage.

And a more contemporary Mississippi fan who canoed back 4,500 kilometers: American travel writer Eddy L. Harris.



Thomas Constantinesco

, professor of American literature at Sorbonne University.

Has translated the Works of Mark Twain, with Philippe Jaworski, at the Editions de la Pléiade at Gallimard.


Eric Doidy

, sociologist

Author of "Going Down South" (The Word and the Rest)

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