Teller Report

A vote of no confidence in the chairman of the House of Representatives to call for cooperation from other opposition parties

6/6/2022, 8:21:37 PM

[NHK] On the 7th, the Constitutional Democratic Party said that it would like to submit a vote of no confidence against the chairman of the House of Representatives Hosoda with the approval of other opposition parties.

The Constitutional Democratic Party has decided to call on each party to cooperate through the chairman of the National Assembly Countermeasures Committee on the 7th, saying that it would like to submit a vote of no confidence against the chairman of the House of Representatives Hosoda with the support of other opposition parties.

With the end of the Diet approaching the 15th next week, the Constitutional Democratic Party said that the chairman of the House of Representatives, Hosoda, repeatedly expressed concern about the "10 increase and 10 decrease" in the small constituency of the House of Representatives, saying that he lacked the qualifications of a chairman on the 7th. It was also a policy to submit a resolution of distrust to Chair Hosoda.

However, in order to strengthen the offensive against the government and the ruling party, it is better to submit it with the approval of other opposition parties, so the submission on the 7th has been postponed.

And on the 7th, Mr. Mabuchi, the chairman of the Diet, will meet with the chairman of the other opposition party, calling for cooperation, including the handling of a vote of no confidence in the Kishida Cabinet.

In response, Prime Minister Kishida said at the Liberal Democratic Party's board meeting on the 6th, "The opposition party is saying various things with a political supremacy, but in a situation that can be said to be an emergency, I can not give up one point of protecting the people, and I will respond properly. I want to continue, "he said, restraining the opposition party.

The Liberal Democratic Party and the Komeito Party have a policy of rejecting the remaining important bills by the majority as soon as they are submitted, hoping to pass them within the session.

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