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Exclusive: Minusma warns of "an alarming situation" in Mali

6/3/2022, 5:25:51 PM

France 24 has obtained exclusively the latest Minusma report, which will be submitted on June 13 to the UN Security Council, as well as a letter already sent to the president of this body...

In its latest quarterly report, consulted exclusively by Wassim Nasr, journalist specializing in jihadist movements at France 24, Minusma requests the renewal of its mandate in Mali for at least one additional year.

The UN mission is also calling for more ground troops to fill the void left by the departure of the Barkhane force on Malian territory and to fight against the deterioration of the security situation in the country. 

At present, the Minusma has, in Mali, 12,261 soldiers, 1,718 police and more than 1,833 civilians from more than 60 operational countries on the territory. 

The report indicates that Minusma is still operating in areas considered very dangerous, such as Kidal, in northeastern Mali, where it lost one of its Jordanian contingents in an attack on June 1. 

Minusma report on the various contingents present on Malian territory.

© Minusma report, UN

Obstructions by the Malian authorities 

The Minusma report also denounces obstructions by the Malian authorities to the UN mission.

He describes in detail how the Malian no-fly zone prevented the Minusma from flying its devices, or how the Malian government hindered the investigation that the mission wanted to carry out in Moura and in other regions. from central Mali. 

According to the report, the Malian state only controls 15% of its territory - 10% in the north and 21% in the center - figures considered alarming according to Wassim Nasr. 

A letter accompanying the report 

The report will be accompanied by a letter dated June 1 and already submitted to the President of the Security Council, which details these alleged obstructions suffered by the Minusma forces in Mali.  

The incident of March 22 where a Malian helicopter strike targeted the British contingent of Minusma in the Tessit region is cited as an example, relates Wassim Nasr. 

"The departure of the French troops from Operation Barkhane will have a direct effect on a rise in power of the jihadist movements", explains Wassim Nasr, highlighting a passage from the letter which warns "of the growing danger of improvised explosive devices and investigations which are hampered by the Malian government". 

Rise of jihadist movements

"The Minusma insists on its desire for coordination and cooperation with the Malian forces, especially in the light of the departure of the French troops", notes Wassim Nasr. 

The withdrawal of French troops from Mali has resulted in a sharp rise in the activity of jihadist groups in the three-border area and an increase in abuses, continues Wassim Nasr.

In the absence of air cover from the French forces and the Malian forces, the jihadist groups benefit from a much wider range of action in the Ménaka region in particular.

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