Teller Report

The Rada proposed to allow the Armed Forces of Ukraine to kill deserters

5/24/2022, 12:11:23 AM

Verkhovna Rada deputy, member of the Servant of the People party Maryana Bezuglaya introduced a bill proposing to allow officers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to kill soldiers who arbitrarily left their positions or refused to obey orders.

It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the Rada database.

Changes are proposed to be made to the statute of the internal service of the armed forces of Ukraine on ensuring the possibility of stopping criminal offenses in the conditions of a special period.

The draft proposes to remove from the document the wording that it is necessary to stop a criminal offense "without causing death to a serviceman."

Earlier, the Russian Ministry of Defense showed a video recording of attacks on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.