Teller Report

Rospotrebnadzor reported a low probability of importing monkeypox to Russia

5/20/2022, 4:56:27 PM

The probability of importing monkeypox to Russia is rather low due to air travel restrictions. This was stated by the Deputy Director for Clinical and Analytical Work of the Central Research Institute of Epidemiology of Rospotrebnadzor, Professor Natalya Pshenichnaya.

“The probability of importing monkeypox to Russia is quite low due to the fact that air traffic is limited,” TASS quoted her as saying.

Pshenichnaya added that Russia is taking all the necessary anti-epidemic measures to prevent the importation of this disease.

Earlier, the director of the Scientific Information Center for the Prevention and Treatment of Viral Infections, Georgy Vikulov, in an interview with NSN, listed the symptoms of monkeypox infection.