Teller Report

Government: who is Pap Ndiaye, the new Minister of National Education?

5/20/2022, 6:20:10 PM

This is one of the surprises of the first government of Elisabeth Borne: the arrival of the historian Pap Ndiaye at the Ministry of National Education. He replaces the heavyweight of the macronie Jean-Michel Blanquer. What does this appointment mean? Who is Pap Ndiaye? Europe 1 paints its portrait for you.

Arthur de Laborde 8:09 p.m., May 20, 2022

This is one of the surprises of the first government of Elisabeth Borne: the arrival of the historian Pap Ndiaye at the Ministry of National Education.

He replaces the heavyweight of the macronie Jean-Michel Blanquer.

What does this appointment mean?

Who is Pap Ndiaye?

Europe 1 paints its portrait for you.

Among the most significant arrivals of the first government of Elisabeth Borne, announced this Friday after several days of waiting, that of Pap Ndiaye at the Ministry of National Education.

He thus replaces Jean-Michel Blanquer, who has set a longevity record at the head of this ministry, the first state budget.

Everything opposes them, and it is a real choice of rupture on the part of Emmanuel Macron.

First, because Pap Ndiaye is a man very marked on the left, who had called to vote for François Hollande in 2012.


 Discover the composition of the first government of Elisabeth Borne

But it is above all a radical change that is looming in relation to the policy pursued for five years.

Jean-Michel Blanquer has indeed shown himself to be very committed to the fight against communitarianism and wokism at school.

Two terms, two phenomena apprehended on the contrary in a positive way by Pap Ndiaye who, for example, was one of the first French researchers to have developed a thought falling within this woke movement, imported from the United States.

Outings on structural racism and police violence

The new Minister of National Education and Youth is a 55-year-old historian specializing in the history of minorities.

He was until now at the head of the Palais de la Porte Dorée, which houses the national museum of the history of immigration.

Pap Ndiaye is known for some of his positions.

For example, he had declared that there is indeed structural racism in France, racism in the state.

He also spoke about police violence, explaining that there was a denial on the issue in France.