Teller Report

The deployment of flood and drought disaster prevention in seven major river basins has been completed

5/18/2022, 11:49:57 PM

The deployment of flood and drought disaster prevention in seven major river basins has been completed   This newspaper, Beijing, May 18 (Reporter Wang Hao) At present, according to the deployment of the Ministry of Water Resources, the seven major river basins of the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, the Huaihe River, the Haihe River, the Pearl River, the Songhua River and the Taihu Lake have a

  The deployment of flood and drought disaster prevention in seven major river basins has been completed

  This newspaper, Beijing, May 18 (Reporter Wang Hao) At present, according to the deployment of the Ministry of Water Resources, the seven major river basins of the Yangtze River, the Yellow River, the Huaihe River, the Haihe River, the Pearl River, the Songhua River and the Taihu Lake have all held the 2022 work video conference. Seven The deployment of flood and drought disaster prevention in large river basins has been fully completed.

  It is predicted that floods and droughts will be severe in the flood season this year, and floods will occur in the north and south, with the north being heavier than the south and drought in the center.

Larger floods may occur in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River in the north, most of the Haihe River Basin, Songhua River, Nenjiang River, Heilongjiang River, Liaohe River, and Huaihe River.

Summer drought may occur in southern central China, eastern southwest China, northern southern China, and northern western northwest China.

The water conservancy department analyzes and judges the flood control and drought relief situation in the basin, fully mobilizes and urges the implementation of various flood and drought disaster prevention work in the basin, and fully prepares for major flood prevention and drought relief.

  In addition, the Ministry of Water Resources recently launched a comprehensive telephone spot check on the safety of reservoirs across the country during flood season.

The content of the telephone random inspection mainly includes the implementation of the dam safety responsible person and the administrative responsible person for flood control of small reservoirs, the technical responsible person, the inspection responsible person, the implementation of the control and application measures of the dangerous reservoirs, and the management of hidden dangers affecting the flood safety of the reservoir and its principles. The implementation of the operation of empty reservoirs in the main flood season of the dangerous reservoirs, etc.

Telephone spot checks on reservoirs cover large, medium and small reservoirs across the country, and the spot checks are planned to continue until the end of the flood season.

For the problems found in the telephone random inspection of the reservoir, the Ministry of Water Resources will promptly give feedback to the provincial water administrative departments and reservoir management units, and urge all units to implement rectification measures to ensure the safety of the reservoir during the flood season.