Teller Report

The C919, a Chinese airliner, which will be a direct competitor of Airbus and Boeing

5/17/2022, 9:37:39 AM

China's first-ever airliner, the C919, could soon compete with Western giants Airbus and Boeing. After a successful test flight last weekend, the aircraft could carry its first passengers this year. A total of 815 Chinese devices have already been ordered by foreign companies.

Sébastien Le Belzic (in Beijing), edited by Laura Laplaud 11:30 a.m., May 17, 2022

China's first-ever airliner, the C919, could soon compete with Western giants Airbus and Boeing.

After a successful test flight last weekend, the aircraft could carry its first passengers this year.

A total of 815 Chinese aircraft have already been ordered by foreign companies.

The C919 makes its appearance.

This is the name of the first Chinese airliner.

After ten years of development and a first successful test flight last weekend, this airliner could well carry its first passengers this year.

Enough to overshadow Western giants like Airbus and Boeing.

A direct competitor to the Airbus A320

The C919 is a direct competitor to the Airbus A320, the world's best-selling aircraft.

It is the first medium-haul aircraft entirely manufactured by China, with the exception of the engine produced by the French group Safran and the American General Electric. 

The last test took place this weekend: three hours of flight without any hitch, specify the authorities, who are now considering the certification of the C919 and its placing on the market this year.

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This Chinese aircraft is a serious competitor to the duopoly formed by Airbus and Boeing, and a feat highlighted by this expert in commercial aviation.

"Building a completely new aircraft from scratch is a monumental task. That's why there are very few manufacturers in the world developing commercial aircraft," he said.

It still took ten years for the Comac (Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China) to succeed in this challenge.

The device will ultimately cost twice as much as expected, almost the same price as its Western competitors.

But for China, it is primarily a question of prestige.

Chinese companies are the first to have placed an order while foreign companies have already signed on their side for the purchase of 815 C919 aircraft.