Teller Report

Ministry of Emergency Management: A total of 1,425 accidents and 1,241 deaths occurred nationwide in April

5/16/2022, 8:07:13 AM

China News Service, May 16th, Shen Zhanli, spokesperson of the Ministry of Emergency Management and director of the Information and Publicity Department, introduced at a press conference on the 16th that in April, a total of 1,425 accidents occurred nationwide and 1,241 people died, including 31 major accidents. 99 people died, including 1 particularly serious accident, namely the collapse of th

  China News Service, May 16th, Shen Zhanli, spokesperson of the Ministry of Emergency Management and director of the Information and Publicity Department, introduced at a press conference on the 16th that in April, a total of 1,425 accidents occurred nationwide and 1,241 people died, including 31 major accidents. 99 people died, including 1 particularly serious accident, namely the collapse of the self-built houses of residents in Wangcheng District, Changsha City, Hunan Province on April 29, resulting in 54 deaths; no major accident occurred.

Data map: On April 29, a self-built house in Panshuwan, Jinping Community, Jinshanqiao Street, Wangcheng District, Changsha collapsed.

Photo by Yang Huafeng

  On the afternoon of the 16th, the Ministry of Emergency Management held a regular press conference for May 2022.

Shen Zhanli briefed the national natural disaster and safety production situation in April at the meeting.

  Talking about the natural disaster situation in April, Shen Zhanli said that the Ministry of Emergency Management, together with the relevant member units of the National Disaster Reduction Committee, conducted a consultation and analysis on the national natural disaster situation in April.

In April, the national natural disasters were mainly wind and hail, floods, geological disasters, and low-temperature freezing disasters. Earthquakes, droughts, snow disasters, forest and grassland fires also occurred to varying degrees.

Various natural disasters caused a total of 2.254 million person-times affected, 13 people died and missing due to the disaster, and the direct economic loss was 2.8 billion yuan.

  She pointed out that the national natural disasters in April mainly showed the following characteristics: First, the country entered a season of high incidence of severe convective weather. Many places in the south suffered from strong convective weather, and the wind and hail disasters were widespread.

Second, the total rainfall in the country was 2% higher than the same period of the previous year, and the heavy rainfall in the south caused local floods and geological disasters.

Third, the number of cold air processes is higher than that of the same period of the previous year, but the intensity is generally weaker. The central and western regions suffered from low-temperature freezing disasters, which did not cause great impact.

Fourth, two earthquakes of magnitude 5 or above occurred in the western region, with no casualties.

Fifth, local droughts in North China, Northwest China, and Southwest China have begun to emerge, and droughts in South China have basically been lifted. The number of forest and grassland fires across the country has increased compared with the same period last year.

  In addition, in response to the safety production situation in April, Shen Zhanli pointed out that in April, there were 1,425 accidents and 1,241 deaths nationwide, including 31 major accidents and 99 deaths, and 1 particularly serious accident, namely Wangcheng District, Changsha City, Hunan " 4.29" residents' self-built house collapsed, resulting in 54 deaths; no major accident occurred.

In general, the total number of accidents in April continued the steady decline in the first quarter, both month-on-month and year-on-year. However, particularly major accidents occurred, and the safety production situation was still severe, mainly manifested as "four outstanding":

  First, there are many collapse accidents in the construction industry, especially in building repairs, drainage facilities construction and other links and in crowded places.

Second, the number of major accidents in mines has increased year-on-year, illegal mining has been repeatedly banned, and the problem of illegal and illegal mining is prominent.

The third is the frequent occurrence of typical accidents in the manufacturing industry. Some chemical companies have repeatedly suffered accidents in a short period of time. In some provinces, there have been many explosions in the industrial and trade industry since this year. Some industrial and trade enterprises have high inventory due to the epidemic and market factors, and the risk of fire in the warehousing link is prominent.

Fourth, major risk-related accidents occurred frequently in the field of transportation, among which the safety risks of fishing vessels, water transportation and railway transportation were prominent.

  Shen Zhanli said that the Office of the Safety Committee of the State Council and the Emergency Management Department will guide and promote relevant departments and enterprises in various regions to deeply learn the lessons of recent typical accidents, strictly implement the fifteen hard measures for safety production, conduct a solid production safety inspection, and comprehensively investigate various safety hazards. , make every effort to prevent major risks, and effectively curb the occurrence of major and major accidents.