Teller Report

There is a possibility of extreme rainstorms in Jiangxi Province

5/6/2022, 7:00:59 AM

China News Service, Nanchang, May 6 (Reporter Liu Zhankun) The reporter learned from the press conference of Jiangxi Province's 2022 "5.12" Disaster Prevention and Reduction Publicity Week on the 6th that it is possible for extreme rainstorms to occur in Jiangxi Province. According to the prediction that the rainy season in northern Jiangxi and central Jiangxi will end later, the possibility of

  China News Service, Nanchang, May 6 (Reporter Liu Zhankun) The reporter learned from the press conference of Jiangxi Province's 2022 "5.12" Disaster Prevention and Reduction Publicity Week on the 6th that it is possible for extreme rainstorms to occur in Jiangxi Province.

According to the prediction that the rainy season in northern Jiangxi and central Jiangxi will end later, the possibility of floods in Poyang Lake and Yangtze River cannot be ruled out.

  Jiangxi is one of the three major rainstorm areas in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China. Flood disasters are frequent and flood disasters have always been one of the major natural disasters in the province.

On April 1, Jiangxi Province officially entered the flood season.

  What is the situation of flood control in Jiangxi Province this year?

Li Xianming, director of the Rescue Coordination and Plan Management Bureau of the Jiangxi Provincial Emergency Management Department, said that it is predicted that the rainfall in the main flood season in Jiangxi this year will be the same as in previous years, and the spatial and temporal distribution will be significantly uneven. Strong convective weather such as strong winds and local hail was more frequent than in normal years, and the rainy season in northern and central Jiangxi ended later.

  "Large regional floods may occur in the upper reaches of the Ganjiang River and the Xinjiang River, major floods may occur in some medium and small rivers, and droughts may occur in some areas in the later period." Li Xianming said that in recent years, extreme rainstorms have occurred frequently, and extreme rainstorms have occurred in Jiangxi Province. It is possible.

According to the prediction that the rainy season in northern Jiangxi and central Jiangxi will end later, the possibility of floods in Poyang Lake and Yangtze River cannot be ruled out.

  How to deal with possible flood disasters?

Li Xianming said that according to the forecast, this year's defense will focus on the prevention of mountain torrent geological disasters and floods in small and medium-sized rivers, the prevention of serious urban and rural waterlogging caused by short-term heavy rainfall, and the prevention of small and medium-sized reservoirs, hydropower stations, mountain ponds, tailings ponds and under construction during flood seasons. Construction wading engineering and other flood safety.

  In terms of preventive and countermeasures, Li Xianming said that Jiangxi will strengthen on-duty scheduling, adhere to "where the rain will be dispatched", strengthen forecasting and early warning, and promote the "6, 3, 1" early warning and call for transfer work mechanism as soon as possible.

Highlight "people first, life first", and take strong measures to ensure the safety of people in flood-threatened areas.

At the same time, enrich equipment and materials, implement rescue forces, and strengthen training and drills to ensure that emergency response can be carried out scientifically and efficiently at critical moments.


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