Teller Report

"Information about the death of a Korean who participated in the Ukrainian Volunteer Forces... Confirming the facts"

4/23/2022, 11:19:04 AM

Ukraine news. The government is verifying whether the information is true after receiving information that a Korean citizen who participated in the voluntary army has died. A reporter is in Romania, which borders the southwest of Ukraine.


News from Ukraine.

The government is verifying whether the information is true after receiving a report that a Korean citizen who participated in the volunteer army had died.

A reporter is in Romania, which borders the southwest of Ukraine.

Correspondent Jang Seon-i, has there been any local confirmation about the death of the Korean people?


Yes, an official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained that the details of the intelligence were that multiple Koreans were killed, and that the identity and death could not be determined.

It is known that four Koreans are staying without permission, including former Captain Lee Geun of the Naval Special Warfare Group, who left for Ukraine to participate in the war as an international volunteer.

We, SBS, asked the Ukrainian Volunteers through SNS about the truth of the related information.

The volunteers sent a reply saying, "As a matter of policy, we cannot disclose the number of casualties."

However, regarding Captain Lee Geun, he said, "I have confirmed that he is in good health."


And the elite Russian troops from southern Mariupol are moving eastward?


Yes, it has been discovered that Russia, which has presented the so-called 'second stage operational goal' to take control of eastern and southern Ukraine, is moving elite troops from Mariupol to the Donbas region.

It is interpreted as an intention to focus on the battles in the Eastern Donbass region.

[Olexi Danilow / Ukrainian National Security Minister: Russian elite troops are currently withdrawing from Mariupol (another part of the East) and fighting.]

Ukrainian President Zelensky also said that the intentions of the Russian army were revealed, and the Russian army He also claimed that he wanted to occupy other countries.

In areas where Russian troops retreated, the massacre of civilians continues to be revealed.

More than 300 pits that appear to be mass burials have also been detected by satellites near Mariupol.

More than 1,000 civilian bodies have been found so far in the capital Kiiu alone.


In the midst of this, there was news that the UN Secretary-General was going to mediate. Are you meeting Russian President Putin first?


Yes, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will visit Moscow on the 26th to meet with Putin, and then on the 28th, he will visit the Ukraine capital Kiiu to hold a meeting with President Zelensky.

This is Putin's first meeting with Secretary-General Guterres since the war began.

With no progress in the peace negotiations between the two countries, attention is focused on whether this meeting will provide a new breakthrough.

(Video coverage: Lee Jae-young, Cho Seung-ho, Video editing: Lee Seung-yeol)

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