Teller Report

Gymnastics All Japan Championship Teramoto and Hatada show off their last performance

4/21/2022, 2:36:21 PM

[NHK] Asuka Teramoto, who participated in two consecutive Olympic games in gymnastics and was the captain of the Japanese national team, and Hitomi Hatakeda, the representative of the Tokyo Olympics, will be on the 21st ...

Asuka Teramoto, who participated in two consecutive Olympic games in gymnastics and was the captain of the Japanese national team, and Hitomi Hatakeda, the representative of the Tokyo Olympics, performed their last performance at the All Japan Championship on the 21st.

Teramoto, who participated in the Olympic Games for the second time in a row, entered the Rio de Janeiro Games in 8th place overall and won the prize for the first time in 52 years as a Japanese player, and also contributed to the 4th place in the group.

In addition, he has been leading Japan by serving as a captain for the Japanese national team.

Teramoto has announced her retirement at the All Japan Championships, and she participated in the women's qualifying on the 21st, except for the vault.

In her first event, Yuka, her posture extended to the tips of her limbs showed a lively movement, and a big applause was sent from the venue.

She was acting with a smile from beginning to end, but when she finished the last balance beam with a perfect landing, she was in tears.

And she was hugging her best friend Mai Murakami, who both she has been leading the Japanese national team.

Hatada also decided to retire from active duty at the end of this tournament, and participated in the first event of Yuka.

Hatada, who showed off his expressive performance, expressed his gratitude to his mother, Yukiko, who is the coach with tears after finishing his performance.

Hatada participated in the women's group's third event at her first Olympic Games in Tokyo last year, and she contributed to Japan's fifth place.

However, she was injured in the practice just before the final and she abstained at the World Championships personal synthesis last October.

Teramoto "I have a very good ending"

Asuka Teramoto said, "It was the first time for me to have such a fun match. I was able to perform in a relaxed manner, and I had no regrets. Said with a smile.

She was also asked about her own gymnastic life, she said, "It was a gymnastic life supported by my peers. I was happy that everyone supported me. I've worked hard and want to praise myself. "She was talking.

Hatada "I felt it was the limit"

Hitomi Hatakeda said, "I thought I would retire after I was injured, but I'm glad I was able to return by the time I acted in front of everyone. Before I was injured, I was planning the road to the Paris Olympics, so I achieved that. I regret not being able to do it, but I felt that it was the limit because I acted today and my technique failed, "he said with tears.

She said she was tearfully hugging her mother, Yukiko, who is the coach after the performance, and she said, "I said thank you so far after the performance. I did my best. "She looked back.