Teller Report

[Summary] Ukraine influence The price increase does not stop in the world | NHK

4/1/2022, 8:53:16 AM

[NHK] We have summarized the latest situation regarding the price increases of familiar items occurring in various parts of the world due to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

[Summary] Ukraine influence The price increase does not stop in the world April 1, 17:49

Russia's invasion of Ukraine continues to be tense.

The prices of wheat flour and crude oil have jumped further, which has a great impact on the prices of familiar goods around the world.

In France, the staple food is "baguette," in Indonesia, the street food "fried spring rolls," and in Japan, the household ally "moyashi," which is indispensable for dining.

We have summarized the latest situation of price increases occurring in various parts of the world.

April price increase Coffee and tissue

First of all, the situation in Japan.

From April, prices of various products that are familiar to people will be raised.


Kagome has raised the shipping price of 125 items including ketchup by about 3% to 9% from the daily delivery due to the rise in the import price of tomatoes.

<< Cheese >>

Three major dairy companies have raised the suggested retail price of household cheese by about 4% to 10%.

<< Cooking oil >>

The Nisshin Oillio Group and J-Oil Mills have raised the price of cooking oil for household and commercial use by more than 40 yen per kilogram due to the rise in prices of soybeans and rapeseed.

<< Coffee >>

Starbucks, a major coffee chain, has raised the price of its main products from about 10 yen to 55 yen from April 13.

<< Tissue Paper >>

Nippon Paper Crecia raises the price of tissue paper and toilet paper by 10% or more.

Kao has raised the price of some of its main products of disposable diapers for infants by about 10%.

<< Drinking water and retort curry >>

Otsuka Foods has raised the price of some of its drinking water and retort curry products from the daily delivery.


The price of snack confectionery, which has been deferred for more than 40 years under the name of “Umaibo,” has increased by 2 yen from the previous 10 yen since the shipment on the 1st.

<< Tire >>

Bridgestone will raise the shipping price to dealers for passenger cars and motorcycles by 7% from the 1st.

The price of Yokohama Rubber has increased by up to 9% since April.

The main factor is the soaring prices of raw materials and distribution costs that have continued since last year, but Russia's invasion of Ukraine has pushed up the prices of flour and crude oil further, and it seems that the movement to raise prices will continue to spread.

30 yen per bag Finally, "moyashi"!


In addition, the price of bean sprouts, which is a representative of household ally, which is indispensable for daily dining, is now being raised.

The retail price of bean sprouts is about 30 yen per bag (200 grams).

This price hasn't changed much in the last 10 years, and if it becomes the centerpiece of the special sale, it may be sold in the 10 yen range per bag.

The price competition at supermarkets and drug stores has spurred bargain sales, and some people have said that it is a product that is a symbol of deflation.

Bean sprout seed "mung bean" soars

The biggest factor in the price increase is the soaring price of bean sprout seeds = "mung bean".

Cultivation of "mung beans" requires certain climatic conditions, such as less rain in the fall of the harvest season, in order to dry the beans, and currently most of them rely on imports from China and other countries.

However, the battle for "mung beans" is intensifying.

According to a trading company specializing in mung beans, while demand is increasing in China, generous subsidies are being given to other crops such as "corn."

For this reason, the number of farmers who stop cultivating "mung beans" is increasing, and the acreage is decreasing.

Also, as with other imported products, the “depreciation of the yen” and “rising costs of container ships” are rebounding to import prices.

Decided to raise crude oil price due to invasion of Ukraine

The bean sprout production plant in Omitama City, Ibaraki Prefecture, is also worried about the rise in the price of mung beans.

At this factory, which ships about 200,000 bags a day to supermarkets in the Tokyo metropolitan area, the purchase price of "mung beans" from specialized trading companies has risen by more than 20% compared to last year, which is said to be the highest level ever.

Further chasing is the sharp rise in crude oil prices, which is accelerating due to the situation in Ukraine.

At this company, the price of heavy fuel oil for temperature control has risen by about 40% compared to a year ago.

It is said that the burden of fuel costs this winter has increased by more than 1.5 million every month.

In addition, shipping and packaging costs are rising.

The company has continued to reduce costs in units of "1 sen", but felt that it was "the limit" and requested the supermarket of the customer to revise the delivery price from April.

This is the first price revision in 5 years.

It is said that some business partners have already accepted a price increase of about 10%.

President Hayashi of the production company "Asahi Bussan" "

It may be difficult for consumers to raise the price of" moyashi ", which was a representative of cheap ingredients.

However, until now, it was handed over to consumers at the last minute .

However, I would like you to understand that it is a reality.

Some supermarkets of our business partners think that raising the selling price is quite difficult, but we will continue negotiations without giving up. "

The dilemma of "bean sprouts" ...

However, producers have mixed feelings about raising the price of bean sprouts, which have become a well-established ally of households.

In particular, some small-scale producers said, "It is difficult to actually raise the price."

Mid-sized producers

"I feel that retail sites such as supermarkets have a strong resistance to raising food prices. Even if I ask supermarkets to raise delivery prices, I judge that it is difficult to raise the selling price at stores. If this happens, it will hurt the profits of supermarkets and may switch to other cheaper producers. I will wait

for a while to negotiate a price increase. "

A major production company in Oita Prefecture says that it has decided to raise the price this time with an unmistakable determination.

President of Nara, a major production company "Meishui Bijin Factory"

"Originally, raising the price was the last resort, but this time I had no choice but to raise the price. If I didn't raise the price here, I negotiated with the supermarket. "

"Wave of price increase" is happening all over the world

It's been about a month since Russia's invasion of Ukraine began.

The prices of familiar foods are rising all over the world.

Screams from food stalls-Indonesia-

In Indonesia, stir-fried foods such as nasi goreng and foods using oil such as fried foods are preferred, but at the stalls in the capital Jakarta, the price of banana "fried spring rolls" has been changed to "10 pieces" = 10,000 rupiah (about). Changed from 85 yen) to "8 pieces" = 10,000 rupiah.

This is the so-called "real price increase".

The reason is the soaring price of "palm oil," which is indispensable for cooking.

According to government statistics, retail prices for cooking oil, such as palm oil, have risen 45% to 70% as of March 30 compared to the same period last year.

Concerns over a stagnation in the supply of "sunflower oil," which Ukraine and Russia are the world's number one and number two producers, have led to increased demand for palm oil produced in Asia as an alternative.

Jakarta stand owner

"I've never bought such expensive cooking oil. I'm

worried that no one will buy street food."

Affects standard dishes-Thailand-

A fried egg that is indispensable for Gapao rice, a staple of Thai food stalls.

The price of the egg is also rising.

In Thailand, the price of wheat imported for livestock feed has risen 1.5 times.

The outlook for exports from Russia and Ukraine, which account for about 30% of the world's total wheat exports, is causing price increases.

Thai producers' groups have raised the suggested retail price of eggs by about 3% from March 24th due to rising production costs.

Since eggs are used in a wide range of dishes, there is concern that their impact on people's lives will increase.

Bread that is indispensable to the table-France-

France where people walking with long and narrow baguettes are the scenery of the city.

The rise in prices has become a major concern for French people.

The average price has been kept low at 90 cents (about 120 yen), but with the rise in wheat prices, industry groups expect that the price will rise in earnest.

Bakeries have already suffered from increased costs due to soaring energy prices since last year.

Maxim's Unlacto, who runs a bakery in Paris, has managed to maintain the price of bread by turning off the power of the oven diligently while the electricity price is rising.

However, I am also thinking that the price of wheat flour may double in the future, and I am worried that if I do not raise the selling price, I will be in the red.

Mr. Unlacto, who runs a bakery in Paris,

"It's hard for both the store and the customer to finally decide to raise the price even though they didn't raise the price even in the corona."

In some countries where the risk of hunger increases ~ Yemen ~

In some countries there are concerns about more serious consequences.

Yemen in the Middle East relies on Russia and Ukraine for 40% of its wheat imports.

In this country, which has been in a civil war for more than seven years, even if imports declined, it was not possible to produce enough alternative agricultural products in the country, and the price of bread, the staple food, doubled.

Darwisha Bahees, who has shared bread with his family as a daily meal, revealed that he had to stand on the street and ask people for alms.

Mr. Darwisha

"If prices go up further, not only our family but many people will starve to death."

The United Nations predicts that the number of people who will be starved will increase to more than 160,000, which is about five times the current number, and the rise in bread prices is causing a threat to people's lives.

Russia and Ukraine have supplied various resources and food to the world.

Inflation is accelerating due to the military invasion, and the impact on people's lives is spreading in various parts of the country.

Since there is no way to overcome the situation in Ukraine, we have no choice but to consider further price increases in the future.

Maiko Oe ,

Reporter, Ministry of Economic Affairs

Joined in 2009

After working at the Fukuoka Bureau, she is currently affiliated.

Jakarta bureau bureau chief

Rei Ito

Joined in 2015

After working at the International Department, etc., he is currently affiliated from last year.

Keita Kage ,

Directorate General of Asia

Joined in 2005

After working at the Ministry of Economic Affairs, he is currently affiliated.

Akiko Furuyama ,

Directorate General of Europe

Joined in 2011

After working at the International Department, etc.

Dubai bureau bureau chief

Kazuhiro Yamao Joined the bureau

in 2011

After working at the Social Affairs Department, etc.