Teller Report

"Political Reform Solidarity" "Registration Change Integration"... Ya, Ahn Cheol-soo courting

2/24/2022, 12:15:30 PM

The Democratic Party pulled out a political reform solidarity card toward the candidates of the 3rd Zone. In fact, he conveyed the will of solidarity to Candidate Ahn Cheol-soo, and candidate Yoon Seok-yeol, the People's Power, also emphasized integration, leaving room for unification.


The Democratic Party pulled out a political reform solidarity card toward the candidates of the 3rd Zone.

In fact, he conveyed the will of solidarity to Candidate Ahn Cheol-soo, and candidate Yoon Seok-yeol, the People's Power, also emphasized integration, leaving room for unification. 

Next is reporter Han Se-hyeon.


Democratic Party leader Song Young-gil held an unexpected press conference and announced the political reform plan. 

[Song Yeong-gil/CEO of the Democratic Party: We prepared a 'National Unity Political Reform Plan' to meet the needs of the times, such as a democratic power structure of decentralization and cooperation.]

Through constitutional amendment, a four-year presidential term system and a run-off voting system were introduced, an interlocking proportional representation system, etc. to create a multi-party system.

The grand prizes were candidates from the three opposition parties, except for the People's Power, but it was interpreted that they were actually proposing a 'solidarity card' to Ahn Cheol-soo, the People's Party candidate.

[Lee Jae-myung / Democratic Party Presidential Candidate (BBS Radio): In order to achieve political reform as the people want, such system reform is necessary, and the election system must also be changed. In particular, has not candidate Ahn

Cheol-soo been claiming that for a long time?]

We focused on saving the spark of unification.

Kwon Young-se, head of the general election campaign, said that candidate Ahn Cheol-soo would not have a different opinion about regime change, and asked CEO Lee Jun-seok, who had a conflict with candidate Ahn, to pay his respects.

[Kwon Young-se / Head of the People's Power Election Countermeasures Headquarters: Including the party representative, we all leave behind the superintendent and private interests and call for regime changeā€¦


Candidate Seok-Yeol Yoon also emphasized cooperation and integration with the exception of Democratic Party candidate Lee Jae-myung. 

[Yoon Seok-yeol/People's Power Presidential Candidate: Anyone who agrees with the principles of liberal democracy and market economy will go together and unite regardless of any faction, region, or class.]

In fact, Candidate Cheol-soo Ahn showed a sharp reaction from both the ruling and opposition parties. 

[Ahn Cheol-soo/People's Party Presidential Candidate: (Democratic Party) If you have such beliefs, why not do it like that?

Now the time has passed.

That's why I declared a breakdown in the (opposition unification negotiations).]

Nevertheless, until the printing of the ballot on the 28th, when the unification effect is still alive, the push and pull of the huge two parties centering on Candidate Ahn will not easily stop.

(Video coverage: Kim Nam-seong, Video editing: Kim Jin-won)