Teller Report

Adèle Van Reeth will replace Laurence Bloch at the head of France Inter

2/23/2022, 10:49:13 AM

Adèle Van Reeth, philosopher and radio host, will replace Laurence Bloch at the head of France Inter from the start of the 2022 school year, announced the president of Radio France, Sibyle Veil, in an interview by…

"I chose to name Adèle Van Reeth, who produces + Les Chemins de la philosophie + on France Culture", said Ms. Veil, questioned by the daily on the name of Laurence Bloch's successor.

At the head of France Inter for eight years, Laurence Bloch, 69, "will stay until the end of the summer grid", declared Sybile Veil.

Rumors about the departure of Laurence Bloch had become more insistent since the beginning of the year, a few weeks before the presidential election and while the first radio station in France was strongly attacked by far-right candidates, Eric Zemmour and Marine Le Pen.

Normalian and philosopher Adèle Van Reeth, 39, will have the difficult mission of keeping audiences at the highest level.

She made her debut in the round house from 2011 at France Culture, with the production and animation of a daily philosophy program alongside the philosopher Raphaël Enthoven, who became her companion.

Sibyle Veil explained to Le Monde that "this choice was obvious, as Adèle Van Reeth represents everything that France Inter is: both intellectual rigor and modernity".

"She is a great radio professional in all her dimensions: she knows what it is to produce a daily newspaper, and her show is one of the greatest successes of podcasts in replay of Radio France", a-t- she adds.

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