Teller Report

The success of education in 'Spanish Finland': "The grade is not given away here, there is no way to pass without studying"

2/11/2022, 1:15:18 AM

Ilham Abboubi gets up every day at 6:00 a.m. to catch the bus that takes her from her home in Cabrejas del Pinar to the Soria public Polytechnic institute....





Updated Thursday, February 10, 2022-22:41

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Ilham Abboubi

gets up every day at 6:00 a.m. to catch the bus that takes her from her home in

Cabrejas del Pinar

to the

public Polytechnic Institute




This 18-year-old Moroccan, a 2nd year Baccalaureate student, faces every day

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