Teller Report

Teenagers threatened in a high school in Brest by a man with a dummy weapon

2/3/2022, 4:25:33 PM

The man would suffer from psychic disorders, and in particular paranoia A young man was arrested on Tuesday and taken into police custody after entering the grounds of the Lycée Fénelon, in Brest (Finistère). Armed with a weapon, he threatened students, reports Ouest-France . According to the local police, quoted by our colleagues, the madman would have accused the teenagers of making fun of him. Mental disorders The establishment alerted the authorities who were ab

A young man was arrested on Tuesday and taken into police custody after entering the grounds of the Lycée Fénelon, in Brest (Finistère).

Armed with a weapon, he threatened students, reports



According to the local police, quoted by our colleagues, the madman would have accused the teenagers of making fun of him.

Mental disorders

The establishment alerted the authorities who were able to identify the suspect thanks to the CCTV cameras.

According to Côté Brest, the man was already known to the police.

He would suffer from mental disorders, including paranoia.

He would feel threatened by his environment.

He would have admitted the facts in front of the investigators and would have indicated that his pistol was dummy.

The young man could be brought before the prosecution.

Miscellaneous facts

Yvelines: Two men armed with a dummy weapon panic the inhabitants of a small town

Miscellaneous facts

Nantes: A teenager arrested at the station with 14 knives and a fake gun

  • High school

  • Police

  • Brest

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