Teller Report

Investigative Committee opened a case on the death of a person during an emergency with a ship in the Barents Sea

2/3/2022, 1:31:31 PM

The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case into the death of a man on a ship in the Barents Sea, which received a hole and ran aground. This was announced by Elena Markovskaya, Senior Assistant to the Head of the Western Interregional Investigation Department for Transport of the Russian Investigative Committee.

“According to preliminary data, today, on the coast of the Kola Peninsula, 20 km from the village of Dalnie Zelentsy, the MRB-1633 vessel received hull damage.

There were five crew members on board, of which four managed to escape, one person died, ”RIA Novosti quotes her words.

It is noted that a criminal case was initiated on the fact of the state of emergency under Part 2 of Art.

263 of the Criminal Code of Russia (violation of the rules of traffic safety and operation of water transport, which negligently entailed the death of a person).

Earlier it became known that four members of the crew of the ship in the Murmansk region, which received a hole and ran aground, were rescued.

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