Teller Report

The honor of the uniform was defamed: the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case after a police fight in St. Petersburg

2/2/2022, 7:18:26 PM

Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin instructed to take control of the investigation into the conflict involving police officers in St. Petersburg. There, on the night of February 1, traffic police officers tried to detain the detective of the criminal investigation right in the duty unit and broke her arm. A criminal case has been initiated under Part 3 of Art. 286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of official powers). The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg stated that after the audit, all participants in the conflict were dismissed from the bodies on discrediting grounds.

Chairman of the Investigative Committee of Russia Alexander Bastrykin instructed to take control of the investigation of a criminal case that was initiated against a 34-year-old traffic police officer after a police conflict in St. Petersburg.

“According to the investigation, on the night of January 31 to February 1, 2022, in the premises of the police department, exceeding his official powers, during the conflict, he caused a closed fracture of the shoulder to the detective of the criminal investigation department of this department.

The suspect has been detained, the issue of choosing a measure of restraint and bringing charges against him is being decided, ”the official statement of the department says.

A criminal case was initiated against the traffic police inspector under paragraph “c” of part 3 of Art.

286 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (abuse of power with grave consequences).

Didn't share parking

According to media reports, the conflict between the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs occurred at about 23:00 in the service parking lot of the 37th police department of the Vasileostrovsky district.

24-year-old detective Alyona Yudina made a remark to traffic police officers, 34-year-old Alexander Kolesnikov and 25-year-old Dmitry Perenyuk, about an unsuccessfully parked official car.

After that, a skirmish began between them.

As a result, traffic police officers tried to detain a colleague right at the entrance to the police station.

The reason for this was the service pistol, which stuck out from under Yudina's down jacket.

A video of the conflict between law enforcement officers has gone viral.

The footage shows how Yudina is trying to get to work, and a traffic police officer is blocking her way.

“You are with a weapon in the police premises, show your ID!”

- he says, adding that the employee just insulted him, and he must write a report, detain her and call for reinforcements.

The girl at this moment begins to call her management, and after she pushes the traffic police officer away with the words: “What are you doing!

... went out of here!

I’m on duty, the traffic cops begin to forcefully detain her - they push her against the wall, then they knock her to the floor, wring her hands and try to handcuff her, Yudina screams loudly.

According to media reports, the inspectors were disarmed only after they arrived at the duty unit of the leadership, and Yudina was taken to the Mariinsky hospital, where a fracture was diagnosed and a cast was applied.


As soon as it became known about the conflict that occurred in the 37th police department, the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region initiated an internal audit for a comprehensive and objective assessment of the actions of the police.

“According to the results of the audit, it was found that the actions of all three participants in the fight are incompatible with the rank of an employee of the internal affairs bodies.

The management decided to dismiss these employees from the internal affairs bodies on discrediting grounds, ”RT said in the press service of the main department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for St. Petersburg.

As a source in law enforcement agencies told RT, all participants in the conflict worked in the authorities for quite a long time.

So, Yudina has served in the police since 2015, Perenyuk and Kolesnikov - since 2016.

RT tried to contact the participants in the conflict, but they were not available for comment.

According to media reports, Alexander Kolesnikov wrote a statement to the UK against Alena Yudina.

He asks to bring her to justice for publicly insulting a government official.

In the report, he said that Yudina swore in a public place, spoke rudely to a citizen of Uzbekistan who was detained by him, and then used physical force against him and his partner, hitting him in the chest and in the face.

A similar statement to the UK was written by his colleague Dmitry Perenyuk, whom Yudina allegedly hit on the head and caused him a head injury.

It is worth noting that earlier Kolesnikov became the hero of the news with a plus sign.

In the summer of 2020, Komsomolskaya Pravda told how a traffic inspector went into a store and found 150,000 rubles at an ATM.

The man decided to return the money found to the rightful owner.

With the help of a security guard and CCTV cameras, it was possible to quickly find the owner of the banknotes.

“Alexander is generally a good guy,” Andrei Nevmerzhitsky, head of the traffic police department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the Vasileostrovsky district, spoke about him then.

“To be honest, we never doubted it.

hardworking, conscientious."

In addition, in the summer of 2021, Kolesnikov, according to the KP, saved a young Petersburger from suicide.

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