Teller Report

The bottom of the pen is full of pride

2/1/2022, 10:35:54 PM

The bottom of the pen is full of pride and the heart is full of rivers and mountains ——Reading the "Clear Love" of the soldiers at the border from the Spring Festival couplets ① ② ③ Spring Festival couplets written by plateau warriors. Coordinates: Yongshu Reef, Nansha Coordinates: Triangle Mountain in Northern Xinjiang Coordinates: Ganbala, Tibet Coordinates: A duty post in Inner Mongoli

The bottom of the pen is full of pride and the heart is full of rivers and mountains

——Reading the "Clear Love" of the soldiers at the border from the Spring Festival couplets

Spring Festival couplets written by plateau warriors.

Coordinates: Yongshu Reef, Nansha

Coordinates: Triangle Mountain in Northern Xinjiang

Coordinates: Ganbala, Tibet

Coordinates: A duty post in Inner Mongolia

Coordinates: Kunmujia, Tibet

Coordinates: A ship in the East China Sea

Coordinates: Shenxian Bay, Southern Xinjiang

  Coordinates: Kuctau, Northern Xinjiang

  Soldiers have their own feelings of soldiers, and borders have their own flavor of the year.

  Today is the second day of the Chinese New Year, and the special edition of "China Border Pass" wishes you New Year's greetings!

At this moment, reading a pair of Spring Festival couplets at the bottom of the guard's pen, I still hear the "Song of the Great Wind".

  Like poetry, couplet is the most beautiful and concise form of expression in Chinese.

As a special art form of Chinese culture, couplets are written in response to the situation, and they are also called by different names.

  For example, the thick and dignified couplets hanging on the pillars in the courtyard of the hall are called couplets; during the Spring Festival, the couplets are colorful, and the couplets at the bottom of the pen are also dyed with spring colors. Of course, they are called spring couplets.

  The Spring Festival couplets are poems, and the rhythm, brush and ink freely and elegantly mark the spiritual height of the border guards.

  The Spring Festival couplets are the aspirations, and they express the glory and dreams of the border guards in the new era.

  The Spring Festival couplet is the heart, and the words and words extend the spiritual trajectory of the soldier's youth and mission.

  Yes, spring is a verb.

  Although the north and south latitudes differ by 50 degrees, our vast motherland presents different seasons and climatic states at the same time.

However, this does not prevent the footsteps of spring from coming quietly and unfolding one by one, and splendidly smears the land of the motherland with the boundless spring color of "every thousand colors and reds are always spring".

  However, no matter what latitude we are in, we can see our officers and soldiers guarding the spring; no matter how far away the border post is, there will be a pair of spring couplets swaying with flowers in spring.

  "The mountains and rivers of the earth are fresh in the brush, and the characters in Kyushu are magnificent." There are a hundred patterns and a thousand ways to write the rhythm of the Spring Festival couplets, but in the frontier outposts standing in Xiongguan, the frontier people have their own writing and expressions.

  A pair of couplets filled with soldiers' hearts and men's aspirations, or madly writing wind and snow outposts, or posting desert camps, or writing about tropical jungles, or writing about vast expanses of blue water... Compared with the finely crafted, Manzhuo's elegant brushwork may be just as cotton cloth is to Lingluo silk, and Chai Fei's smoke is to Zhongming Dingshi.

However, they publicize the stern personality of soldiers with their unique aesthetic value, and sway the cultural landscape in the chest of border men with high spirits.

Hot-blooded youth sings the wind

  "The river meets here, the road begins here, and the sea connects here." On the border defense line of the Tongjiang River in Heilongjiang Province, there is the famous "Three Rivers Estuary" natural splendor, the historical site of the century-old commercial port, and the people of all ethnic groups fought bravely. The beacon of time for foreign invaders...

  Although the spring in the meteorological sense has not yet come, the cold wind, ice and snow are still strong and majestic, but the front-line Jiejin outpost and a pair of Spring Festival couplets at Yingmen have attracted people to stop and admire.

For the spring story of the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, officers and soldiers have their own aesthetic interpretation of officers and soldiers, and the unrestrained spirit of contemporary frontiers is also fully contained in it——

  Look at a post, stick to the three rivers, and I will guard the spring in the four directions; ask how many men, guard a hundred miles, and take on the role of Fenghua.

  Horizontal batch: hot-blooded youth.

  The sword is the text, and the spring is a song of strength.

Perhaps in terms of writing skills, the words and rhythms in the couplet can be considered, and there is no such thing as a supernatural horse.

However, the young sentry chief who completed this couplet in one go is still full of poetry, and his words are called pride: the ancients often said "poetry expresses will", why can't we call the couplet created by our border guards to express our feelings as "lian Yanzhi".

  What a "Lianyanzhi"!

Let's see how the young border guards express their feelings and arrogance.

  The lion roars and the tiger roars, each with its own majesty.

The ambition of the border guards has always been to wear golden armor in a hundred battles in the yellow sand, and to shoot Sirius in the battlefield.

Snowy mountains, jungles, plateau deserts, blue sky and oceans... Due to the different geographical locations and mountains and rivers and scenery of their respective positions, the "scenery" that is expressed by borrowing scenery, of course, also has its own characteristics when viewing mountains and rivers.

For example, Shengsi Island, standing in the midst of thousands of waves in the East China Sea, has a couplet inscribed on the reef, which expresses the desire to defend the country and protect the borders in the splashing waves.

  Still in the 1950s, our army set off a wave of cadres serving as soldiers.

Xu Shiyou, the founding general of the People's Republic of China, came to Shengsi Island, an outpost in the East China Sea, and became an ordinary private soldier of a certain coastal defense company.

At the same time, a sentence the general wrote to the company when he was parting became an inspiration for the officers and soldiers to practice their skills in defending the sea and frontier: "Open your eyes and defend the eastern gate of the motherland."

  During the ebb and flow, the officers and soldiers have changed from generation to generation, and the general's words are always the determination and oath of the company.

Later, the younger generation of officers and soldiers came up with a new idea: let's match the powerful inscription of the general with a powerful second couplet, wouldn't it be better to have a new biography of the veteran?

After a hundred responses, between your words and my words, a pair of powerful couplets appeared in the company——

  Keep your eyes wide open and defend the east gate of the motherland; clench your iron fist and ask who dares to make waves with a smile.

  Horizontal batch: Weizhen Haijiang.

  Without love for the motherland, there is no belief in border defense.

Likewise, without the pursuit of the beauty of nature, there will be no deep affection for the love of mountains and rivers.

Many couplets seen at the border, between the impassioned bottom of the pen, and with elegant sentences and euphemistic words, the youthful beauty and heroic demeanor of the new generation of frontier officers and soldiers are reflected in a clear and refined manner.

  It is not an exaggeration to describe the location of the border defense company of the Yimu River in Inner Mongolia with handsome mountains and vast waters.

This company is located at the top of the cockscomb on the territory of the motherland. It is backed by the Daxing'an Mountains and looks at the Ergun River. It goes without saying that the scenery is beautiful and romantic.

Due to the country's series of policies on protecting forests and the natural environment, there are no villages or towns or residents in the area, and young officers and soldiers stationed here are inevitably a bit lonely and deserted.

However, they have made great achievements in this remote and difficult environment, and the many honors and awards they have won amaze the author who went to interview.

But what I admire more is that they have the mind to practice the dream of a strong army in the indifferent and prosperous, and keep away from the noise but insist on the elegance of youth.

The couplet of the company is really well written-

  Songs of mountains and rivers, chanting the beauty of the territory, and the past of the millennium come to my mind; a man fights a sword, the fortune of the country is prosperous, and Weiwu scriptures sing a strong wind.

  Horizontal criticism: Yidan Danxin.

  There is no need to praise it with gorgeous words, but when you read it carefully and recite it, your heart is always warm, because it not only contains the depth of the people's emotions, but also contains their spiritual aspirations and responses to the material world.

  Vincent van Gogh said: "In nature, I find feelings and souls everywhere." This sentence can be borrowed to comment on the happy handwriting of border guard officers and soldiers. The feelings and hearts of the border guards of the times.

  The thousands of miles of borders extend to the vast southern frontier, which is under the jurisdiction of several neighboring provinces.

At the junction of Guangxi and Yunnan, there is a big mountain that separates the two provinces of Guangxi and Yunnan at both ends of the mountain.

The two companies each camped on the mountain and looked at each other from a distance.

Although their designations have been changed several times, their superiors and affiliations are different, but one thing is completely the same - the mission and responsibility of defending the frontier of the motherland.

  Get along day and night, fight side by side.

In the ups and downs of defending the frontier for decades, they have become blood comrades, iron brothers, and best partners.

When their superiors come to the company, they will definitely go to the other company to see them; whenever there are festivals and festivals, inter-provincial gatherings are also standard... One to two, the superior authorities and the local people are accustomed to calling them "Brothers"; The mountain where the resident is located is also named "Brother Mountain".






  “零丁洋里叹零丁”,这是深深嵌入岁月的忧患记忆,文天祥“留取丹心照汗青” 的泣血绝唱,以特殊的价值承载而成为千古名句。当年押送文天祥的船,由外伶仃洋经过。而在这片海域,与之相对应还有一个内伶仃岛。







  一部“红河谷”,用声光影像记录百年侵略者屠刀横行妄称“日不落”;一座“宗山堡”, 以枪炮硝烟宣誓今天戍边人披坚执锐挽弓“射天狼”。




  新中国成立后,在堪称“军事遗址”的高黎贡山关隘 “片马丫口”,我军边防部队派出一个排镇守这个常年风雪弥漫的边关要地,戍边官兵用忠诚和勇敢创造和续写着新的光荣。1963年,国防部授予他们“钢铁哨所——风雪丫口排”的荣誉称号。当年除夕风雪夜,周恩来总理亲自打电话到哨所拜年的故事,成为边防官兵永远的骄傲。






  There is a border defense company stationed in Yili, Xinjiang, which is stationed in "the place where soldiers must compete since ancient times".

This outpost, named more than 130 years ago, is still an important point on large-scale military maps.

In those days, a horse team from the Zhenghuang Banner in the Eight Banners of the Qing Dynasty set up camp here, hence the name.

The Zhenghuang Banner belongs to the noble family among the Eight Banners, which shows the importance of this section of the border.

Today, the border guards continue the name of this century-old post, called the Border Guard Company of the Yellow Flag Horse Team.

  On the left side of the beacon tower and the observation tower ruins, you can see the vast desert on the left of the post and the vast reeds on the right.

Taking the company's new frontier patrol car all the way to smoke and dust, thinking about the past and the vicissitudes of the fortress, I feel that I don't know where to start.

When I return to the company, I read the first couplet of Dangmen, and express my heart directly——

  A century-old post, the horse team is majestic and majestic, and the history of the beacon is a history; thousands of miles are Xiongguan, the wheels galloping sharply can not be a new chapter in a strong army and solid defense.

  Horizontal criticism: the heroic soul of mountains and rivers.

Sword Plough and Songwriting Mountains and Rivers

  "I am passing the colored pen in my dreams, and I want to write flowers and leaves to the clouds." The magnificent rivers and mountains of the motherland and the splendid countryside of my hometown, especially in the "rich and beautiful" and "strong and prosperous" frontiers brought about by the reform and opening up. , so that the frontier officers and soldiers can write with passion and inspiration in the shadows of time and space.

The deep love and affection for the motherland, and the deep love for the country, mountains and rivers, have become the background color of the spring charm when they write their couplets.

  Green feelings come early in spring.

On the Lancang River on the frontier of Yunnan, a state-level hydropower station sits in the steep and majestic Grand Canyon.

There is a well-known name here - Nuozhadu.

In the local Lahu language, "Nuozha" means a hero.

In the eyes of the Lahu people, the builders and defenders of the power station are heroes.

  For the guards of the power station, the officers and soldiers of a certain squadron of the Armed Police, in this position without guns and guns, more often they are unsung heroes who are silently dedicated.

But they know that guarding the lucid waters and lush mountains under their feet is creating invaluable assets. The frontier land, including the Lancang River Basin, has historically bid farewell to absolute poverty that has lasted for thousands of years.

Among them, there is the contribution of the power station guards.

  So, when the clouds and waters lingered and delivered a strong sense of spring, the first couplet of the New Year was posted on the door of the dam's duty post——

  The past thousand years have passed, a river, clear water, and a string of pearls have brought prosperity to prosperity, poverty alleviation and a well-off life; high gorge out of Pinghu, a dam and a group of soldiers have offered border crossings from generation to generation, loyally cast steel guns.

  Horizontal batch: Landscape Guardian.

















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