Teller Report

Imprisonment and a fine of 3 million dirhams, the penalty for disabling websites.. Video

1/30/2022, 9:05:50 AM

Legal Counsel Dr. Youssef Al-Sharif stated that the legislator in the Rumors Law tightened the penalty for disabling websites of all kinds, as he decided in Article (4) of this law to be punished by imprisonment for a period of no less than one year and a fine of no less than (500,000) dirhams and not more than 3 Millions

Imprisonment and a fine of 3 million dirhams, the penalty for disabling websites.. Video

Legal Counsel Dr. Youssef Al-Sharif stated that the legislator in the Rumors Law tightened the penalty for disabling websites of all kinds, as he decided in Article (4) of this law to be punished by imprisonment for a period of no less than one year and a fine of no less than (500,000) dirhams and not more than 3 Millions of dirhams, whoever intentionally causes damage, destruction, suspension or disruption of a website, and the penalty shall be temporary imprisonment and a fine of no less than 500,000 dirhams and not more than 3 million dirhams, if this damage is done by a banking, media, health, or scientific entity. Especially if the purpose is to achieve something illegal.

But if the damage is to the information systems of a state institution and vital facilities, it is punishable by temporary imprisonment and a fine of no less than 500,000 dirhams and not more than 3 million dirhams, according to the text of Article (5) of the same law.

Al-Sharif highlighted, in episodes of "Emirates Today" newspaper on its platforms, the danger of cybercrime, and the law's response to rumors. He explained that what is meant by destroying a website is a process by which hackers attack a website in the virtual world, and thus this website loses all its trade, whether it is an e-commerce website, or if it is a website for a government authority or institution.

He added that the process of re-establishing this site again, building it again, and launching it to the public again requires a certain period of time until the site regains its first state, in addition to the assumed and real losses, in rebuilding or maintaining this site, launching it and promoting it to people as it was, and the losses incurred in it Especially if it's a commercial website.

Al-Sharif warned of the expected punishment for anyone who tempts himself to harm others or the state and its institutions, especially from some terrorist groups or organizations, because the law in such cases does not show mercy to anyone who wants us evil.

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