Teller Report

Dog hotel in South Africa offers "6 star" service

1/28/2022, 11:34:35 AM

Five stars is usually the highest score a luxury hotel can get.. But a hotel in Cape Town, South Africa, that offers its canine guests an outstanding service might make it worth six stars.

Dog hotel in South Africa offers "6 star" service

Five stars is usually the highest score a luxury hotel can get.. But a hotel in Cape Town, South Africa, that offers its canine guests outstanding service might make it worthy of the six stars.

The dogs, which are deposited by their wealthy owners at the Saborov Hotel, receive the special treatment that many people in the country dream of.

“We do our best to provide six-star service,” says Watson Mbala, one of the hotel's dog groomers.

"We really want to provide luxury dogs with 24 hour supervision, pool entertainment, big plush seating and the jazz you hear now," he told Reuters TV.

Services also include long dog walks in the countryside in the Franchouk Valley in the western vineyards of the country.

Nearly three decades after the end of the era of white minority rule, South Africa remains one of the most unequal countries in the world with more than half of the population living below the poverty line, including those in a homeless shelter opposite a dog care center for aged dogs. Six months and a year.

Among the distinctive services offered by the hotel is also the provision of champagne dogs, which is water mixed with herbs in a champagne bottle.

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