Teller Report

Pearl fishing in “Narrative of the Place” .. A trip to the depths of the sea accompanied by music and art

1/27/2022, 10:35:21 PM

Amidst the stampede of the waves, the grandparents were sailing from the shores of Sharjah to great distances, and they were setting out with their wooden boats dedicated to fishing for pearls, accompanied by diving equipment, chants, songs, sea gulls and nostalgia for the land, accompanied by hopes for abundant livelihood and the people’s calls for them to return to

Pearl fishing in “Narrative of the Place” .. A trip to the depths of the sea accompanied by music and art

A panoramic picture with audio and video and theatrical performance that embodied the pearl fishing journey.

From the source

Amidst the stampede of the waves, the grandparents were sailing from the shores of Sharjah to great distances, and they were setting out with their wooden boats dedicated to fishing for pearls, accompanied by diving kits, chants, songs, sea gulls and nostalgia for the land, accompanied by hopes for abundant livelihood and the people's prayers for them to return to them safely and soundly.

These are phrases depicting one of the heritage paintings conveyed by the artistic show “Narration of the Place”, which continues to be presented at Al Majaz Theater in Sharjah on January 28 and 29, and embodies with 11 artistic and theatrical scenes the achievements and biography of the Emirate of Sharjah, in celebration of the 50th anniversary of His Highness Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad’s accession Al Qasimi, Member of the Supreme Council and Ruler of Sharjah, the reins of government in the emirate.

In one of its scenes, the show presented a panoramic picture with sound and image and theatrical performance in front of the audience, in which it embodied the pearl fishing journey, as it took them to the depths of the sea, to the melodies of one of the songs that embody the feelings of those waiting for the absent, saying: “Oh, night, you take away the beloved of the heart.. It is enough for me the torment that traveled and took my heart and I and longing tortured us absence. My soul on the shore of the sea is waiting for my eyes to return.. His wave can respond to him.. Otherwise, admonition will bring him back.”

The scene of the pearl fishing boat in the show tells the story of the men who were going on a fishing trip, which became a story told to the grandchildren to describe the adventures of the grandparents and their ingenuity in diving in search of pearls.

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