Teller Report

Yan Bingyan: Life didn't give me a chance to swell

1/5/2022, 2:07:01 AM

After "A Thousand Arrows Through the Heart", the number of Yan Bingyan's works has not increased but decreased. She said: She is a person who will be more cautious when praised. Although there are not many works, each one is her favorite. "I won't pick up roles for money, prizes, or other conditions."   In the hit drama "The Opponent", Yan Bingyan played Guoan Captain Duan Yingjiu with a differ

  After "A Thousand Arrows Through the Heart", the number of Yan Bingyan's works has not increased but decreased. She said: She is a person who will be more cautious when praised. Although there are not many works, each one is her favorite.

"I won't pick up roles for money, prizes, or other conditions."

  In the hit drama "The Opponent", Yan Bingyan played Guoan Captain Duan Yingjiu with a different face. When she was undercover, she was a "blow-up" street gangster; in her uniform, she was a rigorous and serious Guoan Captain who performed the mission. Sweeping the streets and tracking, she is decisive and neat; in life, she is also an ordinary middle-aged woman who is faced with all sorts of housework.

Yan Bingyan used her excellent acting skills to portray Duan Yingjiu in three points. Netizens described her as "even acting with her hair."

  In the TV series "Opponents", Yan Bingyan plays Guoan Captain Duan Yingjiu.

  Yan Bingyan, who was born as a dancer, actually entered the career of an actor by mistake.

In 1994, she was still a dancer in the Beijing Song and Dance Troupe. She went to find actors in the movie "Hunting the Wild Wolf Gang". Although she didn't know anything about filming, she wanted to get a train ticket back and forth to visit her father who works in Shenzhen, so she agreed. The audition has since then become an actor.

Since then, she has received "double recognition" of word of mouth and popularity in TV series "Nineteen Sisters of Gan" and "Red Cross Team".

After the girl’s age, which was shown as a youth idol, Yan Bingyan suffered the cruelest change in her life. Her mother was sick, so she suspended work and stayed with her mother for eight years. It was the various experiences of those eight years that made her sigh, "Life Did not give me a chance to inflate."

  After returning to work, in 2012, Yan Bingyan handed over a piece of "A Thousand Arrows Piercing Heart", through which he won eight domestic and foreign best actress awards.

  In 2012, a movie "A Thousand Arrows Pierced the Heart" allowed Yan Bingyan to win multiple best actress awards.

  Yan Bingyan is known in the industry for "low output" because "reading the script did not make my sweat pores explode." She was so picky about the script that she disliked her "hypocritical" level: In 2016, she didn't take a play. In 2017 and 2018, I received one work each, and in 2019, I didn't receive another one until I took over "The Opponent" in 2000.

You asked her what she was doing this year if she didn't take the show?

She smiled and said, "I'm reading the script."


  Don’t keep talking about textbook acting skills, I blush whenever I say

  Duan Yingjiu in the TV series "The Opponent" has both old and young, and she has no time to take care of housework. She only has work in her eyes. Yan Bingyan calls it an "octopus-like life."

In her opinion, Duan Yingjiu is actually an ordinary middle-aged woman, "She is not a superwoman, but she has an extraordinary career. She carries the country, the lives of her comrades, the safety of the country and the people on her shoulders. The responsibility is heavy. In addition, her character is true, meticulous, and a tendon, which causes her to take care of her work and neglect to take care of her family, husband and children. The family is her shortcoming, and she can't do it inside and out. I can take care of everything. If I were a man, I would not marry her.” Yan Bingyan said, the real life conditions of the Guoan fighters in real life are actually worse than those in the play. Family salutes, it’s not easy for them."

  In the play, Yan Bingyan has many scenes of chasing, beating, and arresting. She deliberately cut her waist-long hair short.

In addition, in order to be closer to the reality, almost the entire time of the show without makeup, "Duan Yingjiu has no time to draw eyebrows and eyes. It is good to be able to wash his face and brush his teeth. Modern machines have such high definition, even if the audience is lightly makeup. Come out, so I just leave it without makeup."

  After deciding to take on a role, Yan Bingyan will spend a long time preparing.

In the middle of the play, Yingjiu is skilled and able to grapple, so Yan Bingyan also strengthened her fitness, practiced iron lifting, and hired a fighting coach to practice professional fighting.

Many viewers feel that Yan Bingyan is "fat" in the play because she wants to be closer to the character, "I am only 1.63 meters tall. If I get thinner, the credibility of playing Captain Guoan will be too low, so I If you want to practice tendon meat, you can't thin your arms and legs." Yan Bingyan was less than 100 kilograms before entering the group. It was impossible for Yan Bingyan to practice full of tendon meat in two months. He also experienced a change of coach in the middle.

Her demand for fitness is that the audience must believe that she can knock down a big man, don't laugh, the coach recommends that she eat a little stronger and look strong.

"In fact, 106 catties was okay when I joined the crew, but I couldn’t practice shooting at the beginning. Before, the coach strictly controlled the carbohydrates and sugars that I ate every day, and couldn’t do it in the crew. I stopped suddenly and ate the crew’s lunch every day. In the middle of the play, Yingjiu had diabetes, so she became fat like a diabetic in the later stage.” Yan Bingyan also did not mind the unexpected evaluation of her body shape and appearance, “It is precisely because your role is vivid, see If there are too many people, no one will comment. If the acting is not painful or itchy, no one will care if you are fat or thin."

  In "The Opponent", Yan Bingyan did not make up the whole time, and in the interview generously responded to the audience's comments on her body shape.

  In "The Opponent", many viewers said that Yan Bingyan's life-like performance presented "textbook-like acting skills."

In response, she repeatedly said, “Don’t talk about textbook-like acting skills. I blush whenever I say this.” She said that she was just an amateur player and an ordinary actor. “I’m a very stupid actor. To capture the (person) who really feels in your heart. It's more straightforward, and there are no methods or skills."

 No ads, no variety shows

  ——"The actor must bear loneliness"

  Whether it's the TV series "Nineteen Sisters of Gan" or "Red Cross Team", Yan Bingyan plays a stubborn and beautiful young girl. She said that when she was a child, she was just "good-looking", and she had no love or affection in acting. Too much experience, "When an actor gets older and has more experience, he will have a deeper understanding of the role. This is something that no matter how good-looking and talented he is when he is young, he can't reach it."

  Yan Bingyan started from a very high starting point. From starring in the TV series "Red Cross Team" in 1998, she won the China TV Golden Eagle Award for Best Supporting Actress, to the movie "The Teeth of Love" and won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress in 2007. In addition, she won He has won the Golden Eagle Award, Feitian Award, Huading Award, Golden Phoenix Award and many other honors.

In 2012, "A Thousand Arrows Through the Heart" can be described as one of Yan Bingyan's masterpieces, and she won eight best actress awards at home and abroad for this.

  Yan Bingyan won the Golden Rooster Award for Best Actress for her movie "The Teeth of Love".

  In "A Thousand Arrows Through the Heart", Yan Bingyan plays Li Baoli, who makes a living by carrying a pole.

  After "A Thousand Arrows Pierced the Heart", the number of Yan Bingyan's works did not increase but decreased. She revealed the reason in the interview: she is a person who will be more cautious when praised. Although there are not many works, each one is her favorite.

Many middle-aged actresses are facing "age panic", which is not a problem for Yan Bingyan. "Actors who have these feelings are mostly because of their heavy workload. And my output itself is very low. It’s good to be able to accept a play in a year, so I don’t feel much. Usually it’s only when I meet a good character. I don’t panic if I have money to spend and food to eat. I don’t need other exposure. Individuals are different in what they are good at."

  Yan Bingyan not only has a low production output, but also refuses all variety shows and advertisements.

After "Red Cross Team", there were advertisers looking for her, but she felt that she couldn't say "this is good, I want to eat" and "I can't open my mouth" to the national audience.

She asked the company to push advertisements and variety shows, and said with a smile. Fortunately, the boss of the company is her own best friend, who can tolerate her not working for a year, and she often asks her if she has money to spend?

Yan Bingyan said that she is not a person who can take care of both business and art. "I can only do one thing, I can't achieve EQ, IQ, or physical strength. Then don't watch other people accept advertisements, variety shows are unbalanced, you did not choose that. Road, it’s okay not to get (greater attention). I won’t pick up roles for money, awards, or some other conditions. It will become easier and easier to stick to a way that you think is right."

  In Yan Bingyan's opinion, the showbiz circle is a circle of fame and fortune. Applause, flowers, and money are all too close and within reach. That's why she feels that actors have to be lonely.

 Really listen, really see, really feel

  -"Actors are more like psychologists"

  Yan Bingyan's past roles are often very "divided."

She has appeared in many films with an underground temperament, and she has starred in some small people who wander on the margins of society. She has also appeared as a very stalwart and positive image of officials and police officers in many main theme films.

In her view, it is fun for actors to experience the transformation between different types of roles.

"I am interested in various types of characters, and I will try to analyze and understand all kinds of people. I think sometimes actors are more like psychologists, who have to analyze the reasons for each person's actions."

  Asked about the secrets of life-style acting, Yan Bingyan said bluntly, “The simplest and most effective method is to listen, see, and feel really.” She said that in the initial stage, she would look back at the film she starred in, because of this. In order to know where there is a problem, for example, as a Beijinger, she found that she could not speak clearly, so she consciously followed the news network to practice Mandarin.

For example, because of dancing and walking, she will try to get rid of this habitual movement as much as possible. “Performance is not innate, and natural performance will be upgraded with the accumulation of experience. If you want as many audiences as possible to be with you If you cry and laugh together, then you need to do a lot of practice."

  Yan Bingyan has starred in the TV series "Red Leaves in the Far Mountain" (Part 1) and "Borrowing a Gun" (Part 2) to gain weight and lose weight for the characters.

  Yan Bingyan worked hard for each role: In the TV series "Red Leaves in the Far Mountains", she played the role of Wang Ying, secretary of the Sichuan Nanjiang Commission for Discipline Inspection. Before filming, she went to the countryside and asked the people, "Do you think I look like Secretary Wang Ying? "The common people said, "It's not like, you are too thin, Secretary Wang has a round face." Yan Bingyan gained 15 jin when he went back.

After "Red Leaves in the Far Mountains", Yan Bingyan took on the role of the TV series "Borrowing a Gun". The costume cheongsam in "Borrowing a Gun" was done long before Yan Bingyan gained weight. I did not expect that she had gained 15 kilograms. The buttons can't be touched.

The director said, if you can't do the cheongsam, let's do it again.

Yan Bingyan said that she can reduce it because the characters in the play can play drums. Yan Bingyan has a week of preparation time. She said that she can even learn drums to lose weight.

Although the director secretly remade the cheongsam, Yan Bingyan lost weight within a week.

 【Life Events】

  The eight years of staying with her mother made her calmer

  In 1998, TV series such as "Nineteen Sisters of Gan" and "Red Cross Team" were broadcast successively. When Yan Bingyan's career was taking off, her mother became seriously ill. The doctor predicted that there were only three years left, so Yan Bingyan suspended work to take care of her mother. , Accompanying is eight years.

Occasionally, the next job was when the doctor confirmed that the mother had no physical problems during this period of time.

  Because her mother was sick and the medical expenses were very high, Yan Bingyan did not make movies and had no financial resources, so she could only borrow from her girlfriends, and then concealed her dad from making guest appearances. Rich."

  Yan Bingyan and her mother are a typical mother-daughter relationship.

When she was a child, she grew up with her grandmother, and later was admitted to the Beijing Song and Dance Troupe. She fell in love early. She called her mother and said: I'm in love, don't care about me.

During the years when the mother was sick, the two gradually reconciled and became a normal mother and daughter.

Yan Bingyan lost her mother when she could hug her mother without embarrassment and talk about any topic.

  Yan Bingyan doesn't have many scenes, but she said that when she is not working, she is also preparing for filming.

  It seems that those few years have made her calmer, "Life didn't give me the opportunity and possibility to inflate. On the contrary, I felt anxious and didn't shoot more good scenes after winning the award."

  She said that when she was not filming, she was also in the process of preparing for the next scene, learning new skills from the different roles she took over.

A friend once asked her: "What is your life like?" She smiled and said, "Work." "What about when you are not working?" Yan Bingyan blurted out: "Get ready for work!"

  Yan Bingyan laughed and said that she was a person with very low tears in her life. She often cried when she watched movies, and she would cry when playing games. When she was young, she played the online game "The Legend of the Sword and Fairy". At that time, she couldn't afford a computer. Playing, the picture quality is not good, "In the middle of the night, my friend was awakened by the sound of my sobbing, and I was crying there, "Ling'er is dead"."


  Beijing News: With the aura of "Best Actress", and there are not many roles that suit you, will you worry that you will be submerged in some mediocre roles and won't be seen by the audience?

  Yan Bingyan: No, I'm so "chosen and picky", at least from my own belief that the role I chose is not mediocre.

My output is low, so I usually pick up good roles when I meet them.

Speaking of not being seen by the audience, I do have a low output and I am not good at publicity. The company often tells me, do some publicity. You will not be filming during this time, and we will go to shoot street photography.

I said: What is street shooting?

I don't understand.

The staff told me: Sister Yan, before we board the plane, can we clean up a little bit and let us take some pictures.

I said: Why do you want to shoot when I get on the plane?


I'm not good at propaganda outside of my works.

However, I have been doing what I should do. Although it is very single, this is my choice.

Life has given me much more than I wanted and my predictions. I am already very lucky.

Give me so many honors and rewards, I should be worthy of everything.

If you want to be worthy of all of this, you still have to continue to work well.

  Beijing News: What are you up to when you are not filming?

What kind of hobbies do you have?

  Yan Bingyan: I am usually quite loose and free, and I do a lot of things.

I like to grow flowers and plants, and I like to keep fish.

Also, I will learn as many skills as possible. I learn skills from the characters in every play. It is very useful and interesting. I will also experience happiness from these processes.

When I was filming "Borrowing a Gun", I learned the Beijing rhyme drum and saw that the guqin was played upside down in many costume plays, and I felt that this kind of mistake could not be made.

Some things are too remote and too far away, so I need to study hard.

There used to be a drama where I acted as the proprietress of a coffee shop, so I learned a full set of coffee skills. Now I can work in a coffee shop with a certificate.

Including learning boxing, now I still want to take piano lessons and guitar lessons, anyway, I just learn them one by one.

When I started practicing, I always felt that there was not enough time.

But this time is relatively tiring, I will also be very loose, do nothing every day.

When not working, I still like to play online games.

  Beijing News Chief Correspondent Liu Wei

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